Examples of matches()

Examples of org.jboss.aop.pointcut.PointcutStats.matches()

      if (declare.isPointcut())
         PointcutStats stats;
         stats = new PointcutStats(declare.getAst(), manager);

   public void removeDeclare(String name)

Examples of org.jboss.aop.pointcut.ast.ClassExpression.matches()

         ClassExpression exp = ast.getType();

         if (exp.isSimple())
            String asString = ClassExpression.simpleType(params[actualIndex]);
            if (!exp.matches(asString)) return false;
            if (!Util.matchesClassExpr(exp, params[actualIndex], advisor)) return false;

Examples of org.jboss.as.jdr.util.WildcardPattern.matches()

    public static VirtualFileFilter wildcard(final String p){
        return new VirtualFileFilter() {
            private WildcardPattern pattern = new WildcardPattern(p);
            public boolean accepts(VirtualFile file) {
                return pattern.matches(file.getPathName());

    public static BlacklistFilter wildcardBlackList() {

Examples of org.jboss.dna.common.text.TokenStream.matches()

        Tokenizer tokenizer = new CndTokenizer(false, false);
        TokenStream tokens = new TokenStream(content, tokenizer, false);
        while (tokens.hasNext()) {
            // Keep reading while we can recognize one of the two types of statements ...
            if (tokens.matches("<", ANY_VALUE, "=", ANY_VALUE, ">")) {
            } else if (tokens.matches("[", ANY_VALUE, "]")) {
                parseNodeTypeDefinition(tokens, outputPath);
            } else {
                Position position = tokens.previousPosition();

Examples of org.jboss.dna.jcr.xpath.XPath.NameTest.matches()

            } else if (left instanceof FunctionCall && right instanceof Literal) {
                FunctionCall call = (FunctionCall)left;
                NameTest functionName = call.getName();
                List<Component> parameters = call.getParameters();
                String value = ((Literal)right).getValue();
                if (functionName.matches("jcr", "score")) {
                    String scoreTableName = tableName;
                    if (parameters.isEmpty()) {
                        scoreTableName = tableName;
                    } else if (parameters.size() == 1 && parameters.get(0) instanceof NameTest) {
                        // The first parameter can be the type name (or table name) ...

Examples of org.jboss.dna.sequencer.ddl.DdlTokenStream.matches()

            if (isColumnDefinitionStart(localTokens)) {
                parseColumnDefinition(localTokens, tableNode, true);
            } else {
                // THIS IS AN ERROR. NOTHING FOUND.
                // NEED TO absorb tokens
                while (localTokens.hasNext() && !localTokens.matches(COMMA)) {
        } while (localTokens.canConsume(COMMA));

Examples of org.jboss.errai.forge.xml.XmlParser.matches()

          return false;

      for (final XPathExpression expression : replacedToCheck.keySet()) {
        if (!xmlParser.matches(expression, replacedToCheck.get(expression))) {
          return false;
    catch (Exception e) {

Examples of org.jboss.errai.reflections.util.SimplePackageFilter.matches()

    final SimplePackageFilter implicitFilter = new SimplePackageFilter(Arrays.asList(implicitWhitelist));
    final SimplePackageFilter whitelistFilter = new SimplePackageFilter(whitelist);
    final String fullName = type.getFullyQualifiedName();
    return implicitFilter.matches(fullName) || whitelistFilter.matches(fullName);

  public boolean isBlacklisted(final MetaClass type) {
    final SimplePackageFilter blacklistFilter = new SimplePackageFilter(blacklist);
    final String fullName = type.getFullyQualifiedName();

Examples of org.jboss.forge.shell.PromptType.matches()

                  value = shell.promptCompleter(optionDescriptor, option.getCompleterType());
            else if (((value != null) && (promptType != null)) && !promptType.matches(value.toString()))
               // make sure the current option value is OK
               ShellMessages.info(shell, "Could not parse [" + value + "]... please try again...");
               if (promptType.equals(PromptType.JAVA_PACKAGE))

Examples of org.jboss.ide.eclipse.freemarker.lang.ParserUtils.matches()

    /* first variable name */
    /* lack of an equals sign at this position means that this is a nesting form of assign */
    return Boolean.valueOf(parser.isAtEndOfInput()
        || !parser.matches(LexicalConstants.EQUALS, false));


  private AssignmentEndDirective endDirective;

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