Load an asset from a key, the asset will be located by one of the {@link AssetLocator} implementations provided in the{@link AssetManager#registerLocator(java.lang.String,java.lang.Class) }call. If located successfully, it will be loaded via the the appropriate {@link AssetLoader} implementation based on the file's extension, asspecified in the call {@link AssetManager#registerLoader(java.lang.Class,java.lang.String[]) }.
@param < T> The object type that will be loaded from the AssetKey instance.
@param key The AssetKey
@return The loaded asset, or null if it was failed to be locatedor loaded.
Loads an asset given by the assetUniqueId including actual content of the asset.
@param assetUniqueId - unique identifier of the asset to load
@return return loaded asset including content
@throws AssetNotFoundException - throws in case of asset given by id does not exist
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