Return a Sesame RepositoryResult of statements according to the query pattern given in the arguments. Each of the parameters subject, predicate, object and context may be null, indicating a wildcard query. If the boolean parameter "inferred" is set to true, the result will also include inferred triples, if it is set to false only base triples.
The RepositoryResult holds a direct connection to the database and needs to be closed properly, or otherwise the system might run out of resources. The returned RepositoryResult will try its best to clean up when the iteration has completed or the garbage collector calls the finalize() method, but this can take longer than necessary.
@param subject the subject to query for, or null for a wildcard query
@param predicate the predicate to query for, or null for a wildcard query
@param object the object to query for, or null for a wildcard query
@param context the context to query for, or null for a wildcard query
@param inferred if true, the result will also contain triples inferred by the reasoner, if false not
@param wildcardContext if true, a null context will be interpreted as a wildcard, if false, a null context will be interpreted as "no context"
@return a new RepositoryResult with a direct connection to the database; the result should be properly closedby the caller