This method is a convenience and returns exactly the same resources as calling getResourceResolver().listChildren(resource)
@since 2.1.0
@see ResourceResolver#listChildren(Resource)
of {@link Resource} objects loaded fromthe children of the given Resource
. The returned {@link Resource} instancesare attached to the same {@link ResourceResolver} as the given parent
resource.This method may be called for resource providers whose root path list contains a path such that the resource path is a prefix of the list entry. This allows for the enumeration of deeply nested provided resources for which no actual parent hierarchy exists.
The returned iterator may in turn contain resources which do not actually exist but are required to traverse the resource tree. Such resources SHOULD be {@link SyntheticResource} objects whose resource type MUST be set to{@link #RESOURCE_TYPE_SYNTHETIC}. As with {@link #getResource(ResourceResolver,String)} the returned Resource objects mustnot be cached objects.
@param parent The {@link Resource Resource} whose children are requested.
@return An Iterator
of {@link Resource} objects or null
if the resourceprovider has no children for the given resource.
@throws NullPointerException If parent
is null
@throws SlingException If any error occurs acquiring the child resource iterator.
of {@link Resource} objects loaded fromthe children of the given Resource
. This specification does not define what the term "child" means. This is left to the implementation to define. For example an implementation reading content from a Java Content Repository, the children could be the {@link Resource} objects loaded from child items of the Item
of the given Resource
@param parent The {@link Resource Resource} whose children are requested.
@return An Iterator
of {@link Resource} objects.
@throws NullPointerException If parent
is null
@throws If any error occurs acquiringthe child resource iterator.
@throws IllegalStateException if this resource resolver has already been{@link #close() closed}.