Examples of list()

@return A String[] array of files and directories,workgroups, servers, or shares depending on the context of the resource URL
  • jodd.db.oom.DbOomQuery.list()
  • juzu.impl.compiler.file.FileManager.list()
  • lesson07.storage.DatabaseStorage.list()
  • lesson07.storage.Storage.list()
    Retrieves all {@link lesson07.objects.Entity} from storage. @param clazz type of objects that needs to be retrieved. @param < T> @return list of objects of specified type or empty list if storage does not contains any object of that type. @throws Exception
  • lesson7.storage.DatabaseStorage.list()
  • lesson7.storage.Storage.list()
    Retrieves all {@link lesson7.objects.Entity} from storage. @param clazz type of objects that needs to be retrieved. @param < T> @return list of objects of specified type or empty list if storage does not contains any object of that type. @throws Exception
  • loci.common.Location.list()
  • macromedia.asc.parser.NodeFactory.list()
  • net.fortytwo.ripple.model.ModelConnection.list()
    @return the empty list, of which there is exactly one in this model
  • net.jangaroo.jooc.input.InputSource.list()
  • net.juniper.contrail.api.ApiConnector.list()
  • net.rim.blackberry.api.mail.Store.list()
  • net.sf.antcontrib.cpptasks.types.ConditionalPath.list()
  • net.sf.archimede.model.collection.CollectionDao.list()
  • net.sf.archimede.model.folder.FolderDao.list()
  • net.sf.hibernate.Criteria.list()
  • net.sf.hibernate.Query.list()
  • net.sf.jftp.gui.base.dir.DirLister.list()
  • net.sourceforge.clownfish.core.Clownfish.list()
    List artifacts. @return list of target module id
  • net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.FileWrapper.list()
    Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname.

    If this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this method returns null. Otherwise an array of strings is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory. Names denoting the directory itself and the directory's parent directory are not included in the result. Each string is a file name rather than a complete path.

    There is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order; they are not, in particular, guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order. @return An array of strings naming the files and directories in thedirectory denoted by this abstract pathname. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, or if an I/O error occurs. @throws SecurityException If a security manager exists and its {@link java.lang.SecurityManager#checkRead(java.lang.String)} method denies read access to the directory

  • net.yacy.cora.document.MultiProtocolURI.list()
  • net.yacy.cora.protocol.ftp.FTPClient.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricDetailQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricVariableInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.identity.GroupQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.identity.UserQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricDetailQueryImpl.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.impl.ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.repository.DeploymentQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.repository.ModelQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.repository.ProcessDefinitionQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.runtime.ExecutionQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.runtime.JobQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.runtime.ProcessInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.activiti.engine.task.TaskQuery.list()
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin.TableOperations.list()
    Retrieve a list of tables in Accumulo. @return List of tables in accumulo
  • org.apache.commons.jci.readers.FileResourceReader.list()
  • org.apache.derby.impl.io.vfmem.VirtualFile.list()
    Returns the contents of the directory denoted by this file, including any sub directories and their contents. @return A list of all files and directories, or {@code null} if this filedoesn't denote a directory or doesn't exist.
  • org.apache.derby.io.StorageFile.list()
    Get the names of all files and sub-directories in the directory named by this path name. This method is only used in a writable database. @return An array of the names of the files and directories in thisdirectory denoted by this abstract pathname. The returned array will have length 0 if this directory is empty. Returns null if this StorageFile is not a directory, or if an I/O error occurs. The return value is undefined if the database is read-only.
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.OperationManager.list()
    TODO document after determining if this method should be here.
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.api.OperationManager.list()
    TODO document after determining if this method should be here.
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.api.interceptor.Interceptor.list()
    Filters {@link Partition#list(ListOperationContext)} call.
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.api.partition.Partition.list()
    A specialized form of one level search used to return a minimal set of information regarding child entries under a base. Convenience method used to optimize operations rather than conducting a full search with retrieval. @param listContext the context containing the distinguished/absolute name for the search/listing @return a NamingEnumeration containing objects of type {@link ServerSearchResult} @throws Exception if there are any problems
  • org.apache.drill.exec.store.dfs.shim.DrillFileSystem.list()
  • org.apache.drill.exec.vector.complex.writer.BaseWriter.MapWriter.list()
  • org.apache.flink.client.CliFrontend.list()
    Executes the list action. @param args Command line arguments for the list action.
  • org.apache.geronimo.kernel.repository.ListableRepository.list()
    Gets a set (with entries of type Artifact) of all the items available in the repository.
  • org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result.list()
    Return an cells of a Result as an array of KeyValues WARNING do not use, expensive. This does an arraycopy of the cell[]'s value. Added to ease transition from 0.94 -> 0.96. @deprecated as of 0.96, use {@link #listCells()} @return all sorted List of KeyValues; can be null if no cells in the result
  • org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.bitmap.BitmapObjectOutput.list()
  • org.apache.helix.task.TaskDriver.list()
  • org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.Repository.list()
    Return a listing of resources names @param parent The parent directory from which to generate the listing. @return A listing of the parent directory's file content, as a List of String. @throws IOException On listing failure.
  • org.apache.james.mailrepository.api.MailRepository.list()
    List string keys of messages in repository. @return an Iterator over the list of keys in the repository
  • org.apache.james.services.MailRepository.list()
    List string keys of messages in repository.
  • org.apache.james.services.UsersRepository.list()
    List users in repository. @returns Iterator over a collection of Strings, each being one user in the repository.
  • org.apache.james.user.api.UsersRepository.list()
    List users in repository. @return Iterator over a collection of Strings, each being one user in the repository.
  • org.apache.jorphan.collections.HashTree.list()
    Gets a Collection of all keys in the current HashTree node. If the HashTree represented a file system, this would be like getting a collection of all the files in the current folder. @return Set of all keys in this HashTree
  • org.apache.lucene.store.Directory.list()
    List the files in the directory. @deprecated For some Directory implementations ({@link FSDirectory}, and its subclasses), this method silently filters its results to include only index files. Please use {@link #listAll} instead, whichdoes no filtering.
  • org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory.list()
  • org.apache.lucene.store.MockRAMDirectory.list()
  • org.apache.lucene.store.RAMDirectory.list()
  • org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink.list()
    Starts an unordered list element. @see #list(SinkEventAttributes)
  • org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProvider.list()
    List each element (files and directories) of fileSet as they exist in the repository. @param repository the source control system @param fileSet the files to list @param recursive descend recursively @param tag use the version defined by the tag @return the list of files in the repository @deprecated you must use {@link ScmProvider#list(org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepository,org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet,boolean,org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion)}
  • org.apache.naming.resources.DirContextURLConnection.list()
    List children of this collection. The names given are relative to this URI's path. The full uri of the children is then : path + "/" + name.
  • org.apache.naming.resources.ProxyDirContext.list()
    Enumerates the names bound in the named context, along with the class names of objects bound to them. The contents of any subcontexts are not included.

    If a binding is added to or removed from this context, its effect on an enumeration previously returned is undefined. @param name the name of the context to list @return an enumeration of the names and class names of the bindings in this context. Each element of the enumeration is of type NameClassPair. @exception NamingException if a naming exception is encountered

  • org.apache.openjpa.kernel.Extent.list()
    Returns a list of all objects represented by this extent. This method creates a {@link List} by traversing the entire iterator returned by acall to {@link #iterator}. This means that {@link Collection#size} willwork correctly, but if the extent represents a large data set, this method may be quite slow and may consume quite a bit of memory.
  • org.apache.openjpa.persistence.Extent.list()
    List the extent contents.
  • org.apache.syncope.common.services.ResourceService.list()
    @return Returns list of all Resources
  • org.apache.syncope.common.services.RoleService.list()
    @return Returns list of all knwon roles
  • org.apache.syncope.common.services.SchemaService.list()
    @param kind Kind for schemas to be listed @param type Type for schemas to be listed @return List of schemas with matching kind and type
  • org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path.list()
    Returns all path elements defined by this and nested path objects. @return list of path elements.
  • org.apache.twill.filesystem.Location.list()
    List the locations under this location. @return Immutable List of locations under this location.An empty list is returned if this location is not a directory.
  • org.apache.webdav.lib.WebdavFile.list()
  • org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.util.Resource.list()
    Returns a list of resource names contained in the given resource The resource names are not URL encoded.
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.authorization.AuthorizationQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.filter.FilterQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricActivityInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricActivityStatisticsQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricCaseActivityInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricCaseInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricDetailQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricIncidentQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.HistoricVariableInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.history.UserOperationLogQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.identity.GroupQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.identity.UserQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.management.ActivityStatisticsQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.management.JobDefinitionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.management.ProcessDefinitionStatisticsQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.CaseDefinitionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.DeploymentQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.repository.ProcessDefinitionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.CaseExecutionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.CaseInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.EventSubscriptionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.ExecutionQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.IncidentQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.JobQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.ProcessInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.runtime.VariableInstanceQuery.list()
  • org.camunda.bpm.engine.task.TaskQuery.list()
  • org.codehaus.doxia.sink.Sink.list()
  • org.codehaus.xfire.annotations.ServiceProperty.list()
  • org.drools.rule.PackageCompilationData.list()
  • org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource.list()
    Returns a list of resource names contained in the given resource The resource names are not URL encoded.
  • org.eclipse.jgit.transport.AmazonS3.list()
    List the names of keys available within a bucket.

    This method is primarily meant for obtaining a "recursive directory listing" rooted under the specified bucket and prefix location. @param bucket name of the bucket whose objects should be listed. @param prefix common prefix to filter the results by. Must not be null. Supplying the empty string will list all keys in the bucket. Supplying a non-empty string will act as though a trailing '/' appears in prefix, even if it does not. @return list of keys starting with prefix, after removingprefix (or prefix + "/")from all of them. @throws IOException sending the request was not possible, or the response XML document could not be parsed properly.

  • org.eclipse.sapphire.ElementReference.list()
  • org.eclipse.sapphire.ui.diagram.ConnectionService.list()
    Lists the existing connections. @return the list of existing connections
  • org.exist.versioning.svn.WorkingCopy.list()
  • org.fest.swing.fixture.DialogFixture.list()
  • org.fest.swing.fixture.FrameFixture.list()
  • org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog.list()
    Returns an {@link Iterator} over the catalog objects of the requested type that match thegiven query predicate, positioned at the specified {@code offset} and limited to the numberrequested number of elements.

    The returned iterator shall be closed once it is no longer needed, to account for streaming implementations of this interface to release any needed resource such as database or remote service connections. Example usage:

      Catalog catalog = ... Filter filter = ... CloseableIterator iterator = catalog.list(LayerInfo.class, filter); try{ while(iterator.hasNext()){ iterator.next(); } }finally{ iterator.close(); }  
    @param of the type of catalog objects to return. Super interfaces of concrete catalog objectsare allowed (such as {@code StoreInfo.class} and {@code ResourceInfo.class}, although the more generic {@code Info.class} and {@code CatalogInfo.class} are not. @param filter the query predicate, use {@link Filter#INCLUDE} if needed, {@code null} is notaccepted. @return an iterator over the predicate matching catalog objects that must be closed onceconsumed @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code sortOrder != null} and {@link #canSort !canSort(of, sortOrder)}
  • org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogFacade.list()
    @return an iterator over the catalog objects of the requested type that match the givenfilter @deprecated use {@link #list(Class,Filter,Integer,Integer,SortBy)}
  • org.geoserver.platform.resource.Resource.list()
    List of directory contents. The listed files exist (and may be DIRECTORY or RESOURCE items). @see File#listFiles() @return List of directory contents, or null if this resource is not a directory
  • org.geoserver.security.SecureCatalogImpl.list()
  • org.globus.ftp.GridFTPClient.list()
  • org.hibernate.Criteria.list()
    Get the results. @return The list of matched query results. @throws HibernateException Indicates a problem either translating the criteria to SQL,exeucting the SQL or processing the SQL results.
  • org.hibernate.Query.list()
    Return the query results as a List. If the query contains multiple results pre row, the results are returned in an instance of Object[]. @return the result list @throws HibernateException
  • org.hibernate.SQLQuery.list()
  • org.hibernate.impl.AbstractQueryImpl.list()
  • org.hibernate.internal.AbstractQueryImpl.list()
  • org.hibernate.loader.custom.CustomLoader.list()
  • org.hibernate.ogm.query.NoSQLQuery.list()
  • org.hibernate.search.FullTextQuery.list()
  • org.hivedb.hibernate.simplified.session.HiveCriteria.list()
  • org.hivedb.hibernate.simplified.session.HiveCriteriaImpl.list()
  • org.hyperic.sigar.CpuTimer.list()
  • org.hyperic.sigar.win32.Service.list()
  • org.infinispan.query.CacheQuery.list()
    Returns the results of a search as a list. @return list of objects that were found from the search.
  • org.infinispan.query.dsl.Query.list()
    Returns the results of a search as a list. @return list of objects that were found from the search.
  • org.infinispan.query.dsl.embedded.impl.EmbeddedQuery.list()
  • org.infinispan.security.impl.ClusterRoleMapper.list()
  • org.jboss.fresh.shell.impl.History.list()
  • org.jboss.fresh.vfs.VFS.list()
    Name must not be null and the file must exist. If exception is occured, it indicates meta persistence problem or security restrictions. Returns valid Collection object filled with child FileInfo objects. @param ctx User's context. @param name Parent's filename. @param direct If false, a final link in the parent file will be resolved. @return List of child FileInfo objects.
  • org.jbpm.api.ProcessDefinitionQuery.list()
    execute the query and obtain the list of {@link ProcessDefinition}s
  • org.jbpm.api.ProcessInstanceQuery.list()
    execute the query and obtain the list of {@link ProcessInstance}s
  • org.jbpm.api.history.HistoryActivityInstanceQuery.list()
    execute the query and obtain the list of {@link HistoryActivityInstance}s
  • org.jclouds.blobstore.AsyncBlobStore.list()
    @see BlobStore#list
  • org.jclouds.blobstore.BlobStore.list()
    Lists all root-level resources available to the identity.
  • org.jclouds.cloudwatch.features.MetricApi.list()
    Returns a list of valid metrics stored for the AWS account owner.


    Up to 500 results are returned for any one call. To retrieve further results, use returned NextToken ( {@link org.jclouds.cloudwatch.domain.ListMetricsResponse#getNextToken()}) value with subsequent calls .To retrieve all available metrics with one call, use {@link org.jclouds.cloudwatch.CloudWatch#listMetrics(MetricApi,org.jclouds.cloudwatch.options.ListMetricsOptions)} @param options the options describing the metrics query @return the response object
  • org.jclouds.digitalocean.features.ImageApi.list()
    Lists all available images. @return The list of all available images.
  • org.jclouds.elb.features.LoadBalancerApi.list()
    Lists the loadBalancers all load balancers @return the response object
  • org.jclouds.glesys.features.DomainApi.list()
    Get a list of all domains for this account. @return an account's associated domain objects.
  • org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.features.FirewallApi.list()
    @see FirewallApi#list(org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.options.ListOptions)
  • org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.features.ImageApi.list()
    A paged version of ImageApi#list() @return a Paged, Fluent Iterable that is able to fetch additional pages when required @see PagedIterable @see ImageApi#listAtMarker(String,org.jclouds.googlecomputeengine.options.ListOptions)
  • org.jclouds.joyent.cloudapi.v6_5.features.DatasetApi.list()
    Provides a list of datasets available in this datacenter. @return
  • org.jclouds.joyent.cloudapi.v6_5.features.KeyApi.list()
    Lists all public keys we have on record for the specified account.
  • org.jclouds.joyent.cloudapi.v6_5.features.PackageApi.list()
    Provides a list of packages available in this datacenter. @return
  • org.jclouds.openstack.cinder.v1.extensions.AvailabilityZoneApi.list()
    Lists all availability zones @return all availability zones
  • org.jclouds.openstack.glance.v1_0.features.ImageApi.list()
    List all images (IDs, names, links) @return all images (IDs, names, links)
  • org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.extensions.ServiceAdminApi.list()
    Retrieve the list of services

    @return the list of services

  • org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features.TenantApi.list()
    The operation returns a list of tenants which the current token provides access to.
  • org.jclouds.openstack.keystone.v2_0.features.UserApi.list()
    Retrieve the list of users

    NOTE: this method is not in API documentation for keystone, but does work @return the list of users

  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.extensions.RouterApi.list()
    Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each router configured for the tenant @return the list of all router references configured for the tenant.
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features.NetworkApi.list()
    Returns all networks currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. @return the list of all networks configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features.PortApi.list()
    Returns the list of all ports currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each network configured for the tenant. @return the list of all port references configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2.features.SubnetApi.list()
    Returns the list of all subnets currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each subnet configured for the tenant. @return the list of all subnet references configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2_0.extensions.RouterApi.list()
    Returns the list of all routers currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each router configured for the tenant @return the list of all router references configured for the tenant.
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2_0.features.NetworkApi.list()
    Returns the list of all networks currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each network configured for the tenant. @return the list of all network references configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2_0.features.PortApi.list()
    Returns the list of all ports currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each network configured for the tenant. @return the list of all port references configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.neutron.v2_0.features.SubnetApi.list()
    Returns the list of all subnets currently defined in Neutron for the current tenant. The list provides the unique identifier of each subnet configured for the tenant. @return the list of all subnet references configured for the tenant
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.AvailabilityZoneAPI.list()
    @return all availability zones
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.FloatingIPApi.list()
    List all Floating IP addresses @return all Floating IPs
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.HostAggregateApi.list()
    @return the set of host aggregates.
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.extensions.KeyPairApi.list()
    List all Key Pairs. @return all Key Pairs
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features.FlavorApi.list()
    List all flavors (IDs, names, links) @return all flavors (IDs, names, links)
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features.ImageApi.list()
    List all images (IDs, names, links) @return all images (IDs, names, links)
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.features.ServerApi.list()
    List all servers (IDs, names, links) @return all servers (IDs, names, links)
  • org.jclouds.openstack.swift.v1.features.ObjectApi.list()
    Lists up to 10,000 objects. @param options options to control the output list. @return an {@link ObjectList} of {@link SwiftObject} ordered by name or null.
  • org.jclouds.openstack.v2_0.features.ExtensionApi.list()
    List all available extensions @return all extensions
  • org.jclouds.rackspace.autoscale.v1.features.PolicyApi.list()
    This operation lists all scaling policies. @return A list of scaling policy responses. @see ScalingPolicyResponse
  • org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features.LoadBalancerApi.list()
    List the load balancers.
  • org.jclouds.rackspace.cloudloadbalancers.v1.features.NodeApi.list()
    List the nodes.
  • org.jclouds.rds.features.InstanceApi.list()
    Returns information about provisioned RDS instances. @return the response object
  • org.jclouds.rds.features.SecurityGroupApi.list()
    Returns a list of {@link SecurityGroup}s. @return the response object
  • org.jclouds.rds.features.SubnetGroupApi.list()
    Returns a list of {@link SubnetGroup}s. @return the response object
  • org.joget.plugin.base.PluginManager.list()
    List registered plugins @return
  • org.jruby.RubyThreadGroup.list()
  • org.mokai.persist.MessageStore.list()
    Retrieves the messages that matches the criteria. @param criteria the {@link MessageCriteria} used to match the messages. @return a Collection of {@link Message} objects that matched the criteria or anempty Collection. @throws StoreException if something goes wrong.
  • org.mokai.persist.jdbc.JdbcMessageStore.list()
  • org.mokai.persist.mongo.MongoMessageStore.list()
  • org.mongolink.domain.criteria.Criteria.list()
  • org.mortbay.resource.Resource.list()
    Returns a list of resource names contained in the given resource The resource names are not URL encoded.
  • org.olat.core.commons.persistence.DBQuery.list()
    @return @see org.hibernate.Query
  • org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContext.list()
  • org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt.list()
  • org.onebusaway.api.model.transit.BeanFactoryV2.list()
  • org.openqa.jetty.util.Resource.list()
    Returns a list of resource names contained in the given resource The resource names are not URL encoded.
  • org.openrdf.http.client.NamespaceClient.list()
  • org.pentaho.cdf.comments.CommentsEngine.list()
  • org.sonar.wsclient.issue.Issues.list()
  • org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.item.StorageCollectionItem.list()
    Lists the members of this collection.
  • org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.MavenRepository.list()
  • org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.maven.maven2.M2Repository.list()
  • org.sonatype.nexus.proxy.repository.Repository.list()
  • org.springframework.integration.file.remote.session.Session.list()
  • org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransactionAwareTransferManager.list()
  • org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferManager.list()
    Retrieves a list of all files in the remote repository, filtered by the type of the desired file, i.e. by a sub-class of {@link RemoteFile}. @param remoteFileClass Filter class: RemoteFile or a sub-type thereof @return Returns a list of remote files. In the map, the key is the file name,the value the entire {@link RemoteFile} object. @throws StorageException If the connection fails due to no Internet connection,authentication errors, etc
  • org.terasology.asset.sources.AssetSourceCollection.list()
  • org.terrier.utility.io.FileSystem.list()
    list contents of a directory etc
  • org.tools.io.Resource.list()
    If the resource is kind of a directory it can search its children for names matching the given regular expression, creating resources from them as a return. Does not include child directories recursively. @param regex Any regular expression string. @return A list of resources. @throws IOException If not applicable (e.g. resource is a file) or on anyother error.
  • org.universa.tcc.gemda.web.config.ActionConfig.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.CountryQuery.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.IncomeLevelQuery.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.IndicatorQuery.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.LendingTypeQuery.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.SourceQuery.list()
  • org.worldbank.api.services.TopicQuery.list()
  • org.wymiwyg.commons.util.dirbrowser.PathNode.list()
  • oss.ngocminh.lego.persistence.CategoryDAO.list()
  • oss.ngocminh.lego.persistence.ProductDAO.list()
  • play.vfs.VirtualFile.list()
  • railo.commons.io.res.Resource.list()
    Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname.

    If this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this method returns null. Otherwise an array of strings is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory. Names denoting the directory itself and the directory's parent directory are not included in the result. Each string is a file name rather than a complete path.

    There is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order; they are not, in particular, guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order. @return An array of strings naming the files and directories in thedirectory denoted by this abstract pathname. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns null if this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, or if an I/O error occurs.

  • sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.bc.category.CategoryManager.list()
    @return @throws sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.common.exceptions.AppException
  • sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.bc.member.MemberManager.list()
    @return @throws sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.common.exceptions.AppException
  • sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.bc.product.ProductManager.list()
    @return @throws sg.edu.nus.iss.se07.common.exceptions.AppException
  • tachyon.UnderFileSystem.list()
    Returns an array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by this abstract pathname.

    If this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, then this method returns {@code null}. Otherwise an array of strings is returned, one for each file or directory in the directory. Names denoting the directory itself and the directory's parent directory are not included in the result. Each string is a file name rather than a complete path.

    There is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order; they are not, in particular, guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order. @param path the path to list. @return An array of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by thisabstract pathname. The array will be empty if the directory is empty. Returns {@code null} if this abstract pathname does not denote a directory, or if an I/O erroroccurs. @throws IOException

  • uk.co.brunella.osgi.bdt.repository.Deployer.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.MP300TC2TerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.MP300TC3TerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.MP65TerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.NimpPcScTerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.PcScTerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.RemoteTerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.SmartwareTerminalManager.list()
  • uk.co.nimp.scard.Star265TerminalManager.list()
  • voldemort.utils.impl.TypicaEc2Connection.list()

  • Examples of net.yacy.cora.protocol.ftp.FTPClient.list()

                            if (this.service.getProtocol() == Protocol.ftp) {
                                final FTPClient ftpClient = new FTPClient();
                                try {
                                    ftpClient.open(this.service.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), this.service.getProtocol().port);
                                    ftpClient.login("anonymous", "anomic@");
                                    List<String> list = ftpClient.list("/", false);
                                    access = list == null || list.isEmpty() ? Access.empty : Access.granted;
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                                    access = Access.denied;
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricDetailQuery.list()

        HistoricTaskInstance historyTask = historyTaskList.get(0);
        HistoricDetailQuery query = historyService.createHistoricDetailQuery().formProperties();
        query.taskId( historyTask.getId() );
        return query.list();
       * 认领流程
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricProcessInstanceQuery.list()

        runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("oneTaskProcess2", "2");

        HistoricProcessInstanceQuery processInstanceQuery = historyService.createHistoricProcessInstanceQuery().processInstanceIds(processInstanceIds);
        assertEquals(5, processInstanceQuery.count());

        List<HistoricProcessInstance> processInstances = processInstanceQuery.list();
        assertEquals(5, processInstances.size());

        for (HistoricProcessInstance historicProcessInstance : processInstances) {
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricTaskInstanceQuery.list()

            if(asc) {
            } else {
            return query.list();

        public Task getTaskById(String id) {
            return taskService.createTaskQuery().taskId(id).singleResult();
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.history.HistoricVariableInstanceQuery.list()

        assertEquals(8, historicProcessVariableQuery.count());
        List<HistoricVariableInstance> historicVariables = historicProcessVariableQuery.list();
        // Variable status when process is finished
        HistoricVariableInstance historicVariable = historicVariables.get(0);
        assertEquals("bytes", historicVariable.getVariableName());
        assertEquals(":-)", new String((byte[])historicVariable.getValue()));
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.identity.GroupQuery.list()

        GroupQuery query = ActivitiUtil.getIdentityService()
        List<Group> groups = query.list();
        ObjectNode groupsJSON = new ObjectMapper().createObjectNode();
        for (Group group : groups) {
          long tasksInGroup = ts.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateGroup(group.getId()).count();
          groupsJSON.put(group.getName(), tasksInGroup);
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.identity.UserQuery.list()

        assertEquals(3, identityService.createUserQuery().orderByUserFirstName().desc().count());
        assertEquals(3, identityService.createUserQuery().orderByUserLastName().desc().count());

        // Combined with criteria
        UserQuery query = identityService.createUserQuery().userLastNameLike("%ea%").orderByUserFirstName().asc();
        List<User> users = query.list();
        assertEquals("Fozzie", users.get(0).getFirstName());
        assertEquals("Gonzo", users.get(1).getFirstName());
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricDetailQueryImpl.list()

      public void deleteHistoricDetailsByTaskId(String taskId) {
        if (getHistoryManager().isHistoryLevelAtLeast(HistoryLevel.FULL)) {
          HistoricDetailQueryImpl detailsQuery =
            (HistoricDetailQueryImpl) new HistoricDetailQueryImpl().taskId(taskId);
          List<HistoricDetail> details = detailsQuery.list();
          for(HistoricDetail detail : details) {
            ((HistoricDetailEntity) detail).delete();
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    Examples of org.activiti.engine.impl.HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl.list()

      public void deleteHistoricVariableInstancesByTaskId(String taskId) {
        if (getHistoryManager().isHistoryLevelAtLeast(HistoryLevel.ACTIVITY)) {
          HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl historicProcessVariableQuery =
            (HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl) new HistoricVariableInstanceQueryImpl().taskId(taskId);
          List<HistoricVariableInstance> historicProcessVariables = historicProcessVariableQuery.list();
          for(HistoricVariableInstance historicProcessVariable : historicProcessVariables) {
            ((HistoricVariableInstanceEntity) historicProcessVariable).delete();
    View Full Code Here

    Examples of org.activiti.engine.impl.ProcessDefinitionQueryImpl.list()

          } else {
          List<ProcessDefinition> processDefinitions = query.list();
          if(processDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
            throw new ActivitiException("Cannot find process definition for key '"+processDefinitionKey+"'");
          for (ProcessDefinition processDefinition : processDefinitions) {
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