This exact reference (not its traversed leaf) is replaced with a symbolic reference to the requested name. @param target name of the new target for this reference. The new target name must be absolute, so it must begin with {@code refs/}. @return {@link Result#NEW} or {@link Result#FORCED} on success. @throws IOException
The function looks for existing pads that aren't linked yet. It will request new pads if necessary. Such pads need to be released manualy when unlinking. If multiple links are possible, only one is established.
Make sure you have added your elements to a bin or pipeline with {@link Bin#add} or {@link Bin#addMany} before trying to link them. @param dest The {@link Element} containing the destination pad. @return true if the elements could be linked, false otherwise.
If the argument is null, then create a null link. Note that a port may be linked to the same relation more than once, in which case the link will be reported more than once by the linkedRelations() method. In derived classes, the relation may be required to be an instance of a particular subclass of Relation (this is checked by the _checkLink() protected method). This method is write-synchronized on the workspace and increments its version number. @param relation The relation to link to this port. @exception IllegalActionException If the link would cross levels ofthe hierarchy, or the relation is incompatible, or the port has no container, or the port is not in the same workspace as the relation, or if the port is contained by a class definition.