Returns a splitter that behaves equivalently to {@code this} splitter butstops splitting after it reaches the limit. The limit defines the maximum number of items returned by the iterator.
For example, {@code Splitter.on(',').limit(3).split("a,b,c,d")} returns an iterablecontaining {@code ["a", "b", "c,d"]}. When omitting empty strings, the omitted strings do no count. Hence, {@code Splitter.on(',').limit(3).omitEmptyStrings().split("a,,,b,,,c,d")}returns an iterable containing {@code ["a", "b", "c,d"}. When trim is requested, all entries, including the last are trimmed. Hence {@code Splitter.on(',').limit(3).trimResults().split(" a , b , c , d ")}results in @{code ["a", "b", "c , d"]}.
@param limit the maximum number of items returns
@return a splitter with the desired configuration
@since Guava release 09