Examples of job_chain()

Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

          mergedParams.var("db_driver").length()>0 &&
          mergedParams.var("db_url").length()>0 ){
        if(job.spooler_task.job().order_queue()!=null && useManagedConnection){          
          String jobChain = order.job_chain().name();
          // String jobChainModel = "";
          String orderId = getOrderIdInTable(spoolerId, jobChain, order);         
            job.spooler_log.debug3("Connection from payload:"+connectionName);
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

      job.spooler_log.debug9("entered getOrderCommand()...");
      Order order = job.spooler_task.order();
      job.spooler_log.debug9("order!=null: "+(order!=null));
      String spoolerID = job.spooler.id().toLowerCase();
      job.spooler_log.debug9("spoolerID: "+spoolerID);
      Job_chain chain = order.job_chain();
      job.spooler_log.debug9("chain!=null: "+(chain!=null));
      String jobChainName = chain.name();
      job.spooler_log.debug9("jobChainName: "+jobChainName);
      String orderID = getOrderIdInTable(spoolerID, jobChainName, order);
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

      job.spooler_log.debug6("scheduler_managed_jobs_version: "+managedVersion);
    if ((command==null || command.length()==0) && managedVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1")){
      job.spooler_log.debug9("trying to get Command from table "+ getTableManagedOrders()+" ...");
        if (!order.id().startsWith("-")) {
          command = connection.getClob("SELECT \"COMMAND\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
          " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\"='" + job.spooler.id().toLowerCase() + "' AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + order.job_chain().name() + "'" +
          " AND \"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderID + "'");
        } else {
        command = connection.getClob("SELECT \"COMMAND\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
            " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\" IS NULL AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + order.job_chain().name() + "'" +
            " AND \"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderID + "'");
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

          command = connection.getClob("SELECT \"COMMAND\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
          " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\"='" + job.spooler.id().toLowerCase() + "' AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + order.job_chain().name() + "'" +
          " AND \"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderID + "'");
        } else {
        command = connection.getClob("SELECT \"COMMAND\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
            " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\" IS NULL AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + order.job_chain().name() + "'" +
            " AND \"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderID + "'");
    } catch(Exception e){}
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

      return orderJob;
    catch (Exception e) {
      if (orderJob)
        spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing managed order ["
            + ((order != null) ? "Job Chain: " + order.job_chain().name() + ", ID:" + order.id() : "(none)") + "] : " + e);
        spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing executable file: " + e);
      return false;
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

                return rc;
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (spooler_task.job().order_queue() != null) {
                spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing mail [" + ((order != null) ? "job chain: " + order.job_chain().name() + ", order: " + order.id() : "(none)") + "]: " + e.getMessage());
            } else {
                spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing mail: " + e.getMessage());
            // restart this order driven task in case of errors to make the task log available by mail
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

            } else {
                if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null) {
                    // this.setConfigurationFilename("scheduler_" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "_" + order.id() + ".config.xml");
                    this.getLogger().debug2(".. parameter [configuration_file]: " + this.getConfigurationFilename());
                    if (spooler_job.configuration_directory().length()>0){                     
                      File confFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + ".config.xml");
                      File confOrderFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + "," + order.id() + ".config.xml");
                      if (confOrderFile.exists()){
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confOrderFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for this order exists. order_id:" + order.job_chain().name() + "/" + order.id());
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

                if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null) {
                    // this.setConfigurationFilename("scheduler_" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + "_" + order.id() + ".config.xml");
                    this.getLogger().debug2(".. parameter [configuration_file]: " + this.getConfigurationFilename());
                    if (spooler_job.configuration_directory().length()>0){                     
                      File confFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + ".config.xml");
                      File confOrderFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + "," + order.id() + ".config.xml");
                      if (confOrderFile.exists()){
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confOrderFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for this order exists. order_id:" + order.job_chain().name() + "/" + order.id());
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confFile.getAbsolutePath());
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

                    if (spooler_job.configuration_directory().length()>0){                     
                      File confFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + ".config.xml");
                      File confOrderFile = new File(getConfigurationPath(), order.job_chain().name() + "," + order.id() + ".config.xml");
                      if (confOrderFile.exists()){
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confOrderFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for this order exists. order_id:" + order.job_chain().name() + "/" + order.id());
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for job chain:" + order.job_chain().name());
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Examples of sos.spooler.Order.job_chain()

                      if (confOrderFile.exists()){
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confOrderFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for this order exists. order_id:" + order.job_chain().name() + "/" + order.id());
                          this.setConfigurationFilename( confFile.getAbsolutePath());
                            this.getLogger().debug2(".. configuration file for job chain:" + order.job_chain().name());
                      this.setConfigurationFilename("scheduler_" + spooler_task.order().job_chain().name() + ".config.xml");
                    this.getLogger().debug2(".. parameter [configuration_file]: " + this.getConfigurationFilename());
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