Package javassist.bytecode

Examples of javassist.bytecode.Bytecode.currentPc()

/*  275 */     Bytecode bc = this.bytecode;
/*  276 */     int n = returnList.size();
/*  277 */     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
/*  278 */       int[] ret = (int[])(int[])returnList.get(i);
/*  279 */       int pc = ret[0];
/*  280 */       bc.write16bit(pc, bc.currentPc() - pc + 1);
/*  281 */       CodeGen.ReturnHook hook = new JsrHook2(this, ret);
/*  282 */       finallyBlock.accept(this);
/*  283 */       hook.remove(this);
/*  284 */       if (!this.hasReturned) {
/*  285 */         bc.addOpcode(167);
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/*  281 */       CodeGen.ReturnHook hook = new JsrHook2(this, ret);
/*  282 */       finallyBlock.accept(this);
/*  283 */       hook.remove(this);
/*  284 */       if (!this.hasReturned) {
/*  285 */         bc.addOpcode(167);
/*  286 */         bc.addIndex(pc + 3 - bc.currentPc());
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*      */   }
/*      */
/*      */   public void atNewExpr(NewExpr expr) throws CompileError {
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/*  658 */       protected boolean doit(Bytecode b, int opcode) { b.addAload(this.val$var);
/*  659 */         b.addOpcode(195);
/*  660 */         return false;
/*      */       }
/*      */     };
/*  664 */     int pc = bc.currentPc();
/*  665 */     Stmnt body = (Stmnt)st.tail();
/*  666 */     if (body != null) {
/*  667 */       body.accept(this);
/*      */     }
/*  669 */     int pc2 = bc.currentPc();
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/*  664 */     int pc = bc.currentPc();
/*  665 */     Stmnt body = (Stmnt)st.tail();
/*  666 */     if (body != null) {
/*  667 */       body.accept(this);
/*      */     }
/*  669 */     int pc2 = bc.currentPc();
/*  670 */     int pc3 = 0;
/*  671 */     if (!this.hasReturned) {
/*  672 */       rh.doit(bc, 0);
/*  673 */       bc.addOpcode(167);
/*  674 */       pc3 = bc.currentPc();
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/*  669 */     int pc2 = bc.currentPc();
/*  670 */     int pc3 = 0;
/*  671 */     if (!this.hasReturned) {
/*  672 */       rh.doit(bc, 0);
/*  673 */       bc.addOpcode(167);
/*  674 */       pc3 = bc.currentPc();
/*  675 */       bc.addIndex(0);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  678 */     if (pc < pc2) {
/*  679 */       int pc4 = bc.currentPc();
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/*  674 */       pc3 = bc.currentPc();
/*  675 */       bc.addIndex(0);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  678 */     if (pc < pc2) {
/*  679 */       int pc4 = bc.currentPc();
/*  680 */       rh.doit(bc, 0);
/*  681 */       bc.addOpcode(191);
/*  682 */       bc.addExceptionHandler(pc, pc2, pc4, 0);
/*      */     }
/*      */
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/*  681 */       bc.addOpcode(191);
/*  682 */       bc.addExceptionHandler(pc, pc2, pc4, 0);
/*      */     }
/*      */
/*  685 */     if (!this.hasReturned) {
/*  686 */       bc.write16bit(pc3, bc.currentPc() - pc3 + 1);
/*      */     }
/*  688 */     rh.remove(this);
/*      */
/*  690 */     if ((getListSize(this.breakList) != nbreaks) || (getListSize(this.continueList) != ncontinues))
/*      */     {
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