Package java.sql

Examples of java.sql.Connection.releaseSavepoint()

     * same name. and release the first one
    public void testReleaseReleasedSavepoint() throws SQLException {
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint("s1");
        // The following savepoint was earlier named s1. Changed it to s2 while
        // working on DRDA support
        // for savepoints. The reason for that is as follows
        // The client translates all savepoint jdbc calls to equivalent sql and
        // hence
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        // savepoint named s1.
        Statement s = createStatement();
        s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(2,1)");
        try {
            fail("FAIL 6a - releasing a released savepoint did not raise error");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B001", se);
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     * same name. and rollback the first one
    public void testRollbackReleasedSavepoint() throws SQLException {
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint("s1");
        // The following savepoint was earlier named s1. Changed it to s2 while
        // working on DRDA support
        // for savepoints. The reason for that is as follows
        // The client translates all savepoint jdbc calls to equivalent sql and
        // hence
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        Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint("s1");
        Statement s = createStatement();
        s.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO T1 VALUES(2,1)");
        Connection con2 = openDefaultConnection();
        try {
            fail("FAIL 6c - releasing another transaction's savepoint did "
                    + "not raise error");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            if (usingEmbedded()) {
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     * Test 12 releasing a savepoint multiple times - should not work
    public void testReleaseMultipleTimes() throws SQLException {
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint("MyName");
        try {
            fail("FAIL 12 releasing a savepoint multiple times should fail");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
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    public void testReleaseMultipleTimes() throws SQLException {
        Connection con = getConnection();
        Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint("MyName");
        try {
            fail("FAIL 12 releasing a savepoint multiple times should fail");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B001", se);
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        Savepoint savepoint2 = con.setSavepoint("MyName1");
        try {// shouldn't be able to use savepoint from earlier tranasaction
            // after setting autocommit on and off
            fail("FAIL 13 shouldn't be able to use a savepoint from earlier "
                    + "transaction after setting autocommit on and off");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B001", se);
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                    + "transaction after setting autocommit on and off");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B001", se);

     * Test 14 cause a transaction rollback and that should release the internal
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            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("40XL1", se);
        try {// the transaction rollback above should have removed the
            // savepoint MyName
            fail("FAIL 14 A non-user initiated transaction rollback should "
                    + "release the internal savepoint array");
        } catch (SQLException se) {
            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B001", se);
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            // Expected exception.
            assertSQLState("3B002", se);
        // rollback the JDBC savepoint. Now since there are no user defined
        // savepoints, we can define SQL savepoint
        s.executeUpdate("SAVEPOINT s1 ON ROLLBACK RETAIN LOCKS ON "
                + "ROLLBACK RETAIN CURSORS");
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