Package java.sql

Examples of java.sql.Blob.position()

        ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
        assertTrue("No data found",;
        Blob blob = rs.getBlob(1);
        // Try with a one-byte pattern.
        byte[] pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'k'}; // k number 11 in the alphabet
        assertEquals(11, blob.position(pattern, 1));
        // Try with a non-existing pattern.
        pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'p', (byte)'o'};
        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size / 3));

        // Loop through all matches
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        // Try with a one-byte pattern.
        byte[] pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'k'}; // k number 11 in the alphabet
        assertEquals(11, blob.position(pattern, 1));
        // Try with a non-existing pattern.
        pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'p', (byte)'o'};
        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size / 3));

        // Loop through all matches
        pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'d', (byte)'e'};
        long foundAtPos = 1;
        int index = 0;
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        // Loop through all matches
        pattern = new byte[] {(byte)'d', (byte)'e'};
        long foundAtPos = 1;
        int index = 0;
        int stepSize = ByteAlphabet.modernLatinLowercase().byteCount();
        while ((foundAtPos = blob.position(pattern, foundAtPos +1)) != -1) {
            assertEquals((stepSize * index++) + 4, foundAtPos);
            byte[] fetchedPattern = blob.getBytes(foundAtPos, pattern.length);
            assertTrue(Arrays.equals(pattern, fetchedPattern));

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        // Try a longer pattern.
        int pSize = 65*1024; // 65 KB
        pattern = new byte[pSize];
        assertEquals(pSize, new LoopingAlphabetStream(pSize).read(pattern));
        assertEquals(1, blob.position(pattern, 1));
        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));
        // Try again after getting the length.
        assertEquals(size, blob.length());
        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
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        int pSize = 65*1024; // 65 KB
        pattern = new byte[pSize];
        assertEquals(pSize, new LoopingAlphabetStream(pSize).read(pattern));
        assertEquals(1, blob.position(pattern, 1));
        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));
        // Try again after getting the length.
        assertEquals(size, blob.length());
        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));

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        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));
        // Try again after getting the length.
        assertEquals(size, blob.length());
        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));

        // Try specifing a starting position that's too big.
        try {
            blob.position(pattern, size*2);
            fail("Accepted position after end of Blob");
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        assertEquals(stepSize * 100 +1,
                blob.position(pattern, stepSize * 99 + 7));

        // Try specifing a starting position that's too big.
        try {
            blob.position(pattern, size*2);
            fail("Accepted position after end of Blob");
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            assertSQLState("XJ076", sqle);

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        // Fetch the last 5 bytes, try with a partial match at the end.
        byte[] blobEnd = blob.getBytes(size - 4, 5);
        pattern = new byte[6];
        System.arraycopy(blobEnd, 0, pattern, 0, blobEnd.length);
        pattern[5] = 'X'; // Only lowercase in the looping alphabet stream.
        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size - 10));

        // Get the very last byte, try with a partial match at the end.
        blobEnd = blob.getBytes(size, 1);
        pattern = new byte[] {blobEnd[0], 'X'};
        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size - 5));
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        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size - 10));

        // Get the very last byte, try with a partial match at the end.
        blobEnd = blob.getBytes(size, 1);
        pattern = new byte[] {blobEnd[0], 'X'};
        assertEquals(-1, blob.position(pattern, size - 5));

     * Test Blob.position() with blob argument
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    ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT ID, DATA FROM blobtest WHERE ID = 1");
    rs = ps.executeQuery();

    b = rs.getBlob("DATA");
    long position = b.position(pattern, 1);
    byte[] rspData = b.getBytes(position, pattern.length);
    assertTrue("Request should be the same as the response", Arrays.equals(pattern, rspData));

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