
Examples of

            // Set up a StreamTokenizer on the characters in this String
            StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(value));
            st.whitespaceChars(delimiter , delimiter); // Set the delimiters
            st.ordinaryChars('0', '9')// Needed to turn off numeric flag
            st.wordChars('0', '9');      // Needed to make part of tokens
            for (int i = 0; i < allowedChars.length; i++) {
                st.ordinaryChars(allowedChars[i], allowedChars[i]);
                st.wordChars(allowedChars[i], allowedChars[i]);
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            st.whitespaceChars(delimiter , delimiter); // Set the delimiters
            st.ordinaryChars('0', '9')// Needed to turn off numeric flag
            st.wordChars('0', '9');      // Needed to make part of tokens
            for (int i = 0; i < allowedChars.length; i++) {
                st.ordinaryChars(allowedChars[i], allowedChars[i]);
                st.wordChars(allowedChars[i], allowedChars[i]);

            // Split comma-delimited tokens into a List
            List list = null;
            while (true) {
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                new StreamTokenizer(new StringReader(svalue));
            st.whitespaceChars(',',','); // Commas are delimiters
            st.ordinaryChars('0', '9')// Needed to turn off numeric flag
            st.ordinaryChars('.', '.');
            st.ordinaryChars('-', '-');
            st.wordChars('0', '9');      // Needed to make part of tokens
            st.wordChars('.', '.');
            st.wordChars('-', '-');

            // Split comma-delimited tokens into a List
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
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            st.whitespaceChars(',',','); // Commas are delimiters
            st.ordinaryChars('0', '9')// Needed to turn off numeric flag
            st.ordinaryChars('.', '.');
            st.ordinaryChars('-', '-');
            st.wordChars('0', '9');      // Needed to make part of tokens
            st.wordChars('.', '.');
            st.wordChars('-', '-');

            // Split comma-delimited tokens into a List
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            while (true) {
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            st.ordinaryChars('0', '9')// Needed to turn off numeric flag
            st.ordinaryChars('.', '.');
            st.ordinaryChars('-', '-');
            st.wordChars('0', '9');      // Needed to make part of tokens
            st.wordChars('.', '.');
            st.wordChars('-', '-');

            // Split comma-delimited tokens into a List
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            while (true) {
                int ttype = st.nextToken();
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        tok.eolIsSignificant( false );
        tok.lowerCaseMode( false );
        tok.slashSlashComments( true );
        tok.slashStarComments( true );
        tok.wordChars( '_', '_' );
        tok.wordChars( '@', '@' );
        tok.wordChars( '[', '[' );
        tok.wordChars( ']', ']' );
        tok.wordChars( '.', '.' );
        tok.wordChars( '"', '"' );
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        tok.lowerCaseMode( false );
        tok.slashSlashComments( true );
        tok.slashStarComments( true );
        tok.wordChars( '_', '_' );
        tok.wordChars( '@', '@' );
        tok.wordChars( '[', '[' );
        tok.wordChars( ']', ']' );
        tok.wordChars( '.', '.' );
        tok.wordChars( '"', '"' );
        tok.wordChars( '-', '-' );
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        tok.slashSlashComments( true );
        tok.slashStarComments( true );
        tok.wordChars( '_', '_' );
        tok.wordChars( '@', '@' );
        tok.wordChars( '[', '[' );
        tok.wordChars( ']', ']' );
        tok.wordChars( '.', '.' );
        tok.wordChars( '"', '"' );
        tok.wordChars( '-', '-' );
        return tok;
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        tok.slashSlashComments( true );
        tok.slashStarComments( true );
        tok.wordChars( '_', '_' );
        tok.wordChars( '@', '@' );
        tok.wordChars( '[', '[' );
        tok.wordChars( ']', ']' );
        tok.wordChars( '.', '.' );
        tok.wordChars( '"', '"' );
        tok.wordChars( '-', '-' );
        return tok;
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        tok.slashStarComments( true );
        tok.wordChars( '_', '_' );
        tok.wordChars( '@', '@' );
        tok.wordChars( '[', '[' );
        tok.wordChars( ']', ']' );
        tok.wordChars( '.', '.' );
        tok.wordChars( '"', '"' );
        tok.wordChars( '-', '-' );
        return tok;
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