Causes to be executed asynchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread. This will happen after all pending AWT events have been processed.
@param runnable the runnable to execute.
Schedules the given Runnable object for a later invocation, and returns. An exception is thrown if the RunnableQueue was not started.
@throws IllegalStateException if getThread() is null.
Schedules the given Runnable object for a later invocation, and returns. An exception is thrown if the RunnableQueue was not started.
@throws IllegalStateException if getThread() is null.
Invokes the specified runnable at the beginning the next rendering loop in the rendering thread. This is especially useful for executing opengl commands from another thread - which would lead to errors if not synchronized with the rendering thread.
@param runnable the runnable
Use this method for asynchronous updates to the gui. invokes the runnable at a time when it is safe, that is the dispatching and rendering of the window is not disturbed.
@param runnable the runnable
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