and p2
using t
@param p0 The starting control point.
@param p1 The second control point.
@param p2 The third control point.
@param p3 The final control point.
@param t Should be between zero and one. Zero will return point p1
while one will return p2
, a value in between will return an interpolated vector between the two.
@return The interpolated vector.
to the interpolation by changeAmnt from this to the finalColor: this=(1-changeAmnt)*this + changeAmnt * finalColor
@param finalColor The final color to interpolate towards.
@param changeAmnt An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a percentagechange from this towards finalColor.
implementation. See the implementation documentation for more detail.
@param messageTemplate The message to interpolate.
@param context contextual information related to the interpolation
@return Interpolated error message.
of variables with the content and replaces the content with the result. Variables are denoted in the String
by the syntax ${variableName}
. The contents will be altered by replacing each variable of the form ${variableName}
with the value returned by variables.getValue("variableName")
. WARNING: there is no going back to the original contents after the interpolation is done. If you need to do different interpolations on the same original contents, use the method {@link #asString(Map)} instead.
@param variables aMap
of variables to interpolate
@return this for chaining
of variables with the content and replaces the content with the result. Variables are denoted in the String
by the syntax ${variableName}
. The contents will be altered by replacing each variable of the form ${variableName}
with the value returned by variables.getValue("variableName")
. WARNING: there is no going back to the original contents after the interpolation is done. If you need to do different interpolations on the same original contents, use the method {@link #asString(Map)} instead.
@param variables aMap
of variables to interpolate
@return this for chaining
@param variables variables to interpolate into this TextTemplate
@return this
, for chaining purposes
Properties are of the form ${some.property}, for which the value of property "some.property" is used.
It is an error for interpolated properties to not exist. A {@link RuntimeException} is thrownif the value of a referenced property is null. @param properties properties to be interpolated @param input string on which interpolation is to be performed @return string with all properties expanded