Returns the specific concrete type represented by this bean definition
Instantiate a triple pattern against the current environment. This version handles unbound varibles by turning them into bNodes.
@param pattern the triple pattern to match
@return a new, instantiated triple
Instantiate a rule given a variable binding environment. This will clone any non-bound variables though that is only needed for trail implementations.
instantiates the actual less compilement
@throws Exception
@param workflow The workflow to instantiate.
@param dscURL The URL of the DSC.
@param name The name that becomes a part of the workflow instance name.
@return The instance of workflow
@throws WorkflowEngineException
@throws ComponentException
@throws GraphException
@param workflow
@param dscURL
@return The instance of workflow
@throws WorkflowEngineException
@throws ComponentException
@throws GraphException
@param workflow The workflow to instantiate.
@param dscURL The URL of the DSC.
@param name The name that becomes a part of the workflow instance name.
@return The wsdl of the workflow
@throws WorkflowProxyException
@throws ComponentException
@throws GraphException
Instantiates an object using the default loader repository and default no-args constructor.
@see javax.management.loading.DefaultLoaderRepository
@param className Class to instantiate. Must have a public no-argsconstructor. Cannot contain a null reference.
@return instantiated object
@throws ReflectionException If there was an error while trying to invokethe class's constructor or the given class was not found. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
@throws MBeanException If the object constructor threw a checked exceptionduring the initialization. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
@throws RuntimeMBeanException If the class constructor threw a runtimeexception. This exception wraps the actual exception thrown.
@throws RuntimeErrorException If the class constructor threw an error.This exception wraps the actual error thrown.
@throws RuntimeOperationsException If the className is null.Wraps an IllegalArgumentException instance.
Create an instance of the template function this object represents, populated with the given parameter expressions. Note that the input parameters aren't copied.
First instantiation pass: creates the instances, checks access rights and populates the fixup list.
@param tobj The transfer object to instantiate.
@return The instance corresponding to the transfer object.
Instantiates a new ControlBean of the requested class, using mechanisms provided by a provider-specific JavaBeans framework.
@param beanClass the ControlBean class to instantiate
@param props an initial set of client-specified properties to associate with thebean instance. May be null.
@param context the containing ControlBeanContext for the bean, if nested inside ofa container or other control. May be null to use the current active execution context.
@param id the bean control ID. Must be unique within the containing context. Ifnull, a unique identifier will be auto-generated.
@returns a new ControlBean instance of the requested class.
Instantiate a {@link ControlBeanContext} object that will be associated with theprovided {@link ControlBean}.
@param controlBean
@return the ControlBeanContext instance
Instantiate a publication.
@param templatePublication The template publication.
@param newPublicationId The ID of the new publication instance.
@param newPublicationName The name of the new publication.
@throws Exception if an error occurs.
Instantiate the plugins as instances of the given class.
Instantiate the plugin as an instance of the given class.
Instantiate the recommender graph. This requires the graph to have been resolved with a real DAO instance, not just a class, if anything references the DAO. Use {@link LenskitConfiguration#buildGraph()} to get such a graph.
@return A new recommender graph with all shareable nodes pre-instantiated.
@throws RecommenderBuildException If there is an error instantiating the graph.
Instantiate an entity instance, using either an interceptor, or the given persister
Instantiate an entity instance, using either an interceptor, or the given persister
Create a class instance initialized with the given identifier
Instantiate an uninitialized collection wrapper or holder. Callers MUST add the holder to the persistence context!
@param session The session from which the request is originating.
@param persister The underlying collection persister (metadata)
@param key The owner key.
@return The instantiated collection.
This method does not populate the component parent
Instantiates objects the item might reference. It usually instantiates classes that are referenced by activities, data types etc. Those classes might not be present on the client side, so this method should be called on the server side only.
Make sure you call this method \iafter\i calling the {@link ModelObject#maintainReferences} method,so any references needed for the instantiation process can be expected to be resolved. Any errors will be logged to the message container of the model manager that loaded the object.
Instantiates a new script engine, makes the provided java packages "imported" into the context (i.e. classes from those packages can be instantiated without providing the full class name) and makes the script engine use the scriptSourceProvider to locate scripts.
@param packages the list of java packages to be imported in the context
@param scriptSourceProvider the provider of the sources of scripts - can be null to use noscript source provider and depend on the default module loading mechanisms of the script language
@param permissions the security permissions the script engine should execute the script with, can be nullin which case the script engine is unsecured
@return a newly instantiated script engine configured as above
@throws ScriptException
Return an instance of the bean with the given name in this factory.
@param beanDefinition the bean definition
@param beanName name of the bean when it's created in this context.The name can be null
if we're autowiring a bean that doesn't belong to the factory.
@param owner owning BeanFactory
@return a bean instance for this bean definition
@throws BeansException if the instantiation failed
Instantiate this schema as a new Table instance.
@return a new Table with this schema
Instantiates this semantics. It replaces all the variables if they have a value defined in the given InstantiationContext. This method modifies this Semantics.
@param context