Examples of instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

                            // update-remove - for each instance listed - instanceWithHostnameAndPort + removeInstance_W
                            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Instance " +hostName+"-"+port+ " not found; REMOVE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
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Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

                            // update-configure - for each instance listed - instanceWithHostnameAndPort + updateValues
                            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
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Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

                                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                                if (anMInstance == null) {
                                    element = new NSDictionary(new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE, _hostName + ": Instance " +hostName+"-"+port+ " not found; UPDATE failed"}, errorKeys);
                                } else {
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Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

                    NSDictionary instDict = (NSDictionary) commandWotaskdArray.objectAtIndex(i);
                    String hostName = (String) instDict.valueForKey("hostName");
                    Integer port = (Integer) instDict.valueForKey("port");
                    try {
                        MInstance anInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                        if (anInstance != null) {
                            if (anInstance.isLocal_W()) {
                                if (command.equals("START")) {
                                    String errorMsg = theApplication.localMonitor().startInstance(anInstance);
                                    if (errorMsg != null) {
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Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

        if (instanceArray != null) {
            for (Enumeration e = instanceArray.objectEnumerator(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                NSDictionary anInst = (NSDictionary) e.nextElement();
                String hostName = (String) anInst.valueForKey("hostName");
                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                if (anMInstance == null) {
                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
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Examples of com.webobjects.monitor._private.MSiteConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort()

                Integer port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("port");
                MInstance anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                // if I can't find the instance, I might be updating the port - in that case, look under the oldport number.
                if (anMInstance == null) {
                    port = (Integer) anInst.valueForKey("oldport");
                    anMInstance = aConfig.instanceWithHostnameAndPort(hostName, port);
                if (anMInstance == null) {
                    // we have to add it
                    aConfig.addInstance_W(new MInstance(anInst, aConfig));
                } else {
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