. The composite bundle has a new child Framework
associated with it and a surrogate bundle which is installed in the child framework. Composite bundles share packages and services between the parent framework they are installed in and the child framework. The following steps are required to create a composite bundle:
, then that composite bundle is returned; otherwise a BundleException
is thrown indicating that an incompatible bundle is already installed at the specified location.BundleException
is thrown.compositeManifest
map is used to provide the headers for the composite bundle and its surrogate bundle. If composite manifest map does not contain the following header(s) then a BundleException is thrown:
The composite manifest map may optionally contain the following header(s):
is thrown if this header is specified and the version is less than 2.BundleException
should be thrown if the header is present and the framework doesn't support it. The composite manifest map must not contain the following headers. If a composite manifest map does contain one of the following headers then a BundleException
is thrown:
{@link Constants#BUNDLE_ACTIVATIONPOLICY Bundle-ActivationPolicy}
{@link Constants#BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR Bundle-Activator}
{@link Constants#BUNDLE_CLASSPATH Bundle-ClassPath}
{@link Constants#BUNDLE_LOCALIZATION Bundle-Localization}
{@link Constants#BUNDLE_NATIVECODE Bundle-NativeCode}
{@link Constants#FRAGMENT_HOST Fragment-Host}
{@link Constants#DYNAMICIMPORT_PACKAGE DynamicImport-Package}
object for the new composite bundle is returned.
@param frameworkConfig A map containing configuration parameters used to initialize and launch the child framework.
@param location The bundle location used for the composite and surrogate bundles.
@param compositeManifest A map containing the manifest used to create the compositeand surrogate bundles
@return A new composite bundle in INSTALLED state.
@throws BundleException If the composite manifest is invalid or there issome other problem with installing the composite bundle.
@throws SecurityException If the caller does not haveAllPermission
@see Framework
@see CompositeBundle