If the logger is currently enabled for the INFO message level then the given message is forwarded to all the registered output Handler objects.
@param msg The string message (or a key in the message catalog)
Log a message with info log level.
@param message log this messageINFO
Log a message with info log level.
@param message log this messageINFO
level with message formatting done according to the messagePattern and the arguments arg1 and arg2. This form avoids superflous parameter construction. Whenever possible, you should use this form instead of constructing the message parameter using string concatenation. @param messagePattern The message pattern which will be parsed and formatted @param arg1 The first argument to replace the first formatting element @param arg2 The second argument to replace the second formatting element @since 1.3
@throws ScmException
@since 1.5
@param o message.
as the body of the message, also outputting t
to the log.
Log a message with info log level.
@param message log this message The path
arg can be both relative to the location of this driver and absolute to the repository root (starts with "/"
@param path an item's path
@param revision a revision of the entry; defaults to the latest revision (HEAD)
@return an SVNDirEntry containing information aboutthe entry or null if there's no entry with at the specified path
under the specified revision
@throws SVNException in the following cases: