from which the XML to be deserilaized is read.
@param uuidBehavior a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.
@param context
@throws IOException
@throws PathNotFoundException
@throws ItemExistsException
@throws ConstraintViolationException
@throws InvalidSerializedDataException
@throws RepositoryException
from which the XML to be deserilaized is read.
@param uuidBehavior a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.
@param context
@throws IOException
@throws PathNotFoundException
@throws ItemExistsException
@throws ConstraintViolationException
@throws InvalidSerializedDataException
@throws RepositoryException
or destination path are null
@throws IOException if there is a problem reading the content
@throws SAXException if there is a problem with the SAX Parser
@throws RepositorySourceException if there is a problem while writing the content to the {@link RepositorySource repositorysource}