Examples of ignoreAuthorization()

Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

      if (swordConfig.isKeepOriginal())
        // in order to be allowed to add the file back to the item, we need to ignore authorisations
        // for a moment
        boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

        String bundleName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("sword.bundle.name");
        if (bundleName == null || "".equals(bundleName))
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()


      // to do the updates, we need to ignore authorisation in the context
      boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

      // in order to write these changes, we need to bypass the
      // authorisation briefly, because although the user may be
      // able to add stuff to the repository, they may not have
      // WRITE permissions on the archive.
      boolean ignore = context.ignoreAuthorization();
      // for some reason, DSpace will not give you the handle automatically,
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

      if (swordConfig.isKeepOriginal())
        // in order to be allowed to add the file back to the item, we need to ignore authorisations
        // for a moment
        boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

        String bundleName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("sword.bundle.name");
        if (bundleName == null || "".equals(bundleName))
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

            //get access to the curation thread's current context
            ctx = curationContext();
            // Site-wide Tasks really should have an EPerson performer associated with them,
            // otherwise they are run as an "anonymous" user with limited access rights.
            if(ctx.getCurrentUser()==null && !ctx.ignoreAuthorization())
                log.warn("You are running one or more Site-Wide curation tasks in ANONYMOUS USER mode," +
                         " as there is no EPerson 'performer' associated with this task. To associate an EPerson 'performer' " +
                         " you should ensure tasks are called via the Curator.curate(Context, ID) method.");
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

                                swordService.message("DSpace will store an original copy of the deposit file, " +
            "as well as attaching it to the item");

        // in order to be allowed to add the file back to the item, we need to ignore authorisations
        // for a moment
        boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

        String bundleName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("sword-server", "bundle.name");
        if (bundleName == null || "".equals(bundleName))
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

      // in order to write these changes, we need to bypass the
      // authorisation briefly, because although the user may be
      // able to add stuff to the repository, they may not have
      // WRITE permissions on the archive.
      boolean ignore = context.ignoreAuthorization();
      // for some reason, DSpace will not give you the handle automatically,
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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()


      // to do the updates, we need to ignore authorisation in the context
      boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

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Examples of org.dspace.core.Context.ignoreAuthorization()

                                swordService.message("DSpace will store an original copy of the deposit, " +
            "as well as ingesting the item into the archive");

        // in order to be allowed to add the file back to the item, we need to ignore authorisations
        // for a moment
        boolean ignoreAuth = context.ignoreAuthorization();

        String bundleName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("sword-server", "bundle.name");
        if (bundleName == null || "".equals(bundleName))
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