Handles the request from the specified exchange.
@param exchange the exchange with the request
@param request
@param out
@throws IOException
@throws MapRequestFormatException
Returns a list of all snapshots
@param request
Return a S3CopyObjectResponse which represents an object being copied from source to destination bucket. Called from S3ObjectAction when copying an object. This can be treated as first a GET followed by a PUT of the object the user wants to copy.
Dispatches a request.
Handles a URL based request (HTTP GET).
@param request the HTTP request
@param response the HTTP response
@return the operation response
@throws Exception if a processing exception occurs
Invoked when a new JsonRpc request arrives.
@param transaction the transaction to which the request belongs
@param request the request
@throws TransportException when there is an error in the transport mechanism
@throws Exception this method can handle or propagate exceptions.
Handles the supplied request and notifies the supplied callback upon completion.
If this is a dispatcher, as defined in the class documentation, then this method should return {@link com.linkedin.r2.message.rest.RestStatus#NOT_FOUND} if no handler can be found for therequest.
@param request the request to process
@param requestContext {@link RequestContext} context for the request
@param callback the callback to notify when request processing has completed
Handles the supplied request and notifies the supplied callback upon completion.
@param request the request to process
@param callback the callback to notify when request processing has completed
@deprecated r2 rpc is not supported, use rest instead
handles the request to show the error page
Handle an HTTP request by dispatching the request to the appropriate matching Web resource that produces the response or otherwise producing the appropriate HTTP error response.
@param request the HTTP container request.
@param responseWriter the HTTP container response writer.
@throws IOException if there is an IO error handling the request.
Parses the input stream and partitions the parsed items into a set of form fields and a set of file items. In the process, the parsed items are translated from Commons FileUpload FileItem
instances to Struts FormFile
@param request The multipart request to be processed.
@throws ServletException if an unrecoverable error occurs.
After constructed, this is the first method called on by ActionServlet. Use this method for all your data-parsing of the ServletInputStream in the request
@exception ServletException thrown if something goes wrong
Handle the request.
@param exchange the HTTP request/response exchange
Handles the request.
@return true to continue handling.
Handles the request.
@return true to continue handling.
Process the request and return a ModelAndView object which the DispatcherServlet will render.
@param request current HTTP request
@param response current HTTP response
@return a ModelAndView to render, or null if handled directly
@throws Exception in case of errors
Handles an incoming request message and wraps the result as another message.
@param request the request object
@return a new Message object which contains the result;null if this request message does not require a response
Handle the given request and return a result.
@param request the request to handle
@return the result of the request
This method is supposed to handle the request from the Redirector.
@param theObjects
@throws JMSException
Handle a request synchronously or asynchronously. After handling the request, the appropriate response should be written on the given channel
@param request The request to handle
@param channel The channel on which to write the response
This method parses POP3 commands read off the wire in handleConnection. Actual processing of the command (possibly including additional back and forth communication with the client) is delegated to one of a number of command specific handler methods. The primary purpose of this method is to parse the raw command string to determine exactly which handler should be called. It returns true if expecting additional commands, false otherwise.
@return whether additional commands are expected.
Handle an incoming request. RequestMappers are not required to handle all requests and are instead encouraged to inspect the request and only take action when it wants to. If action is taken then the RequestMapper should return a boolean "true" value indicating that no further action is required.
Handle an incoming request. RequestMappers are not required to handle all requests and are instead encouraged to inspect the request and only take action when it wants to. If action is taken then the RequestMapper should return a boolean "true" value indicating that no further action is required.
Handle an incoming request. RequestMappers are not required to handle all requests and are instead encouraged to inspect the request and only take action when it wants to. If action is taken then the RequestMapper should return a boolean "true" value indicating that no further action is required.
Handles a query request, this method must be thread safe.
Information about the request may be obtained from req
and response information may be set using rsp
There are no mandatory actions that handleRequest must perform. An empty handleRequest implementation would fulfill all interface obligations.
After constructed, this is the first method called on by ActionServlet. Use this method for all your data-parsing of the ServletInputStream in the request
@throws ServletException thrown if something goes wrong
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the WebContext.
@param context A SimpleHash with the context.
@param templateName A String with the filename of the template.
@param cache True if the parsed template should be cached.
@return The processed template as a String.
@throws TurbineException Any exception trown while processing will bewrapped into a TurbineException and rethrown.
executes the JSP given by templateName.
@param data A RunData Object
@param templateName The template to execute
@param isForward whether to perform a forward or include.
@throws TurbineException If a problem occured while executing the JSP
executes the JSP given by templateName.
@param data A RunData Object
@param templateName the filename of the template.
@throws TurbineException Any exception thrown while processing will bewrapped into a TurbineException and rethrown.
Handle the request and build the Response Envelope
Handle the request and build the Response Envelope
@param req request message envelop as a DOM Document
@param res response message envelop as a DOM Document
@return modified response message envelop as a DOM DocumentNote : (may not need to use since response message envelop is passed as a reference)
Get a reader for the content generated for the given request.
@param contentPath The parsed content path created using the content path parser available from {@link #getContentPathParser}.
@param bundleSet The bundle-set for the bundlable node to which this request is related to.
@param contentAccessor The output stream the content will be written to.
@param version TODO
@throws ContentProcessingException if a problem is encountered.
Handle the HTTP request by dispatching request to appropriate resource. If no one appropriate resource found then error response will be produced.
@param request HTTP request
@param response HTTP response
@throws Exception if any error occurs
Handles the request path and returns a RequestCtx if necessary.
@param request the servlet request
@param response the servlet response
@return the RequestCtx if one is needed, or else null
@throws IOException
@throws ServletException
Method to handle requests.
@param context the message context
@return a RequestCtx if necessary or else null
@throws OperationHandlerException
After constructed, this is the first method called on by ActionServlet. Use this method for all your data-parsing of the ServletInputStream in the request
@throws ServletException thrown if something goes wrong
Initiates the request processing for this handler chain.
@param msgContext MessageContext parameter provides access to the request SOAP message.
@return Returns true if all handlers in chain have been processed. Returns false if a handler in the chain returned false from its handleRequest method.
@throws javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException if any processing error happens
Handle a web service request
Handle a request for a single server and throw an {@link javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException}if the request cannot be handle by the provided server. Does a check for restrictions as well
@param pServer server to try
@param pRequest request to process
@return the object result from the request
@throws InstanceNotFoundException if the provided server cant handle the request
@throws AttributeNotFoundException
@throws ReflectionException
@throws MBeanException
@throws java.io.IOException
Convenience method that delegates an event to the controller of the targetted screen.
@param db reference to the database
@param request with the event
Handle the request thrown by this command. The return type specifies how MOLGENIS should return this result, i.e., as download or as part of a popup or as part of the main screen.
@param db provides access to the database
@param request provides access to the filled in inputs and actions
@param downloadStream this the request can use to write results as download (in combination with Show.VIEW_DOWNLOAD
@return a Show.XYZ that indicates if next action should be shown aspopup, back to main screen or as download. @see ScreenModel.Show
@throws IOException
@throws DatabaseException
@throws ParseException
Method for handling the request from the controller
@param zController the ZWave controller
@param lastSentMessage The original message we sent to the controller
@param incomingMessage The response from the controller
Reads a remote invocation from the request, executes it, and writes the remote invocation result to the response.
@see #readRemoteInvocation(HttpServletRequest)
@see #invokeAndCreateResult(org.springframework.remoting.support.RemoteInvocation,Object)
@see #writeRemoteInvocationResult(HttpServletRequest,HttpServletResponse,RemoteInvocationResult)
Process the given request, generating a response.
@param request current HTTP request
@param response current HTTP response
@throws ServletException in case of general errors
@throws IOException in case of I/O errors
Process the request and return a ModelAndView object which the DispatcherServlet will render. A null
return value is not an error: It indicates that this object completed request processing itself, thus there is no ModelAndView to render.
@param request current HTTP request
@param response current HTTP response
@return a ModelAndView to render, or null
if handled directly
@throws Exception in case of errors
Processes a resource request.
Checks for the existence of the requested resource in the configured list of locations. If the resource does not exist, a {@code 404} response will be returned to the client.If the resource exists, the request will be checked for the presence of the {@code Last-Modified} header, and its value will be compared against the last-modifiedtimestamp of the given resource, returning a {@code 304} status code if the{@code Last-Modified} value is greater. If the resource is newer than the{@code Last-Modified} value, or the header is not present, the content resourceof the resource will be written to the response with caching headers set to expire one year in the future.
Processes the outgoing request message. Called after payload creation and callback invocation, but before the message is sent.
@param messageContext contains the outgoing request message
@return {@code true} to continue processing of the request interceptors; {@code false} to indicateblocking of the request endpoint chain
@throws WebServiceClientException in case of errors
@see MessageContext#getRequest()
Processes the incoming request message. Called after {@link EndpointMapping} determined an appropriate endpointobject, but before {@link EndpointAdapter} invokes the endpoint.
{@link MessageDispatcher} processes an endpoint in an invocation chain, consisting of any number of interceptors,with the endpoint itself at the end. With this method, each interceptor can decide to abort the chain, typically creating a custom response.
@param messageContext contains the incoming request message
@param endpoint chosen endpoint to invoke
@return {@code true} to continue processing of the request interceptor chain; {@code false} to indicateblocking of the request endpoint chain, without invoking the endpoint
@throws Exception in case of errors
@see MessageContext#getRequest()
Handles the request as determined by the protocol and command provided as input.
@param inputStream
@param outputStream
@return StreamRequestHandler if this is the beginning of a streamingrequest, null if self-contained
@throws IOException
Handles a "segment" of a streaming request.
@param inputStream
@param outputStream
@return {@link StreamRequestHandlerState}
@throws IOException