Outputs the lines to the document. It is equivalent to go(false).
@return returns the result of the operation. It can be NO_MORE_TEXTand/or NO_MORE_COLUMN
@throws DocumentException on error
Outputs the lines to the document. It is equivalent to go(false).
@return returns the result of the operation. It can be NO_MORE_TEXTand/or NO_MORE_COLUMN
Causes all of the Runnables to start at the same instance. This method will return once all of the Runnables have completed.
@return time, in milliseconds, that it took for all of the Runnables to complete.
Does the work of writing out the inhabitants file to the proper location
@throws AssertionError On an error such as not being able to find theproper file
@throws IOException On IO error
NSAlertBox infoAlert = new NSAlertBox("Timestamp Formatting","The formatting is based on the SimpleDateFormat in Java. Here are some common pattern letters:\n\nY = Year\nM = Month in year\nd = Day in month\nE = Day name in week\na = Am/pmmarker\nH = Hour in day(0-23)\nh = Hour in am/pm(1-12)\nm = Minute in hour\ns = Second inminute\nS = Millisecond\n\nFor more information, check http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html",SWT.ICON_QUESTION|SWT.OK);
All source code are property of their respective owners. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc and owned by ORACLE Inc. Contact coftware#gmail.com.