searchBoxContent.addChild("span", "class", "search-warning-text", l10n("searchBoxWarningSlow"));
HTMLNode searchForm = container.addFormChild(searchBoxContent, "/library/", "searchform");
searchForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "size", "name" }, new String[] { "text", "80", "search" });
searchForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "find", l10n("searchFreenet") });
// Search must be in a new window so that the user is able to browse the bookmarks.
searchForm.addAttribute("target", "_blank");
} else if(node.pluginManager == null ||
node.pluginManager.isPluginLoadedOrLoadingOrWantLoad("Library")) {
// Warn that search plugin is not loaded.
HTMLNode textSpan = searchBoxContent.addChild("span", "class", "search-not-availible-warning");
NodeL10n.getBase().addL10nSubstitution(textSpan, "WelcomeToadlet.searchPluginLoading", new String[] { "link" }, new HTMLNode[] {"/plugins/") });