Transforms a color value assumed to be in the CS_CIEXYZ conversion color space into this ColorSpace.
This method transforms color values using relative colorimetry, as defined by the International Color Consortium standard. This means that the XYZ argument values taken by this method are represented relative to the D50 white point of the CS_CIEXYZ color space. This representation is useful in a two-step color conversion process in which colors are transformed from an input color space to CS_CIEXYZ and then to an output color space. The color values returned by this method are not those that would produce the XYZ value passed to the method when measured by a colorimeter. If you have XYZ values corresponding to measurements made using current CIE recommended practices, they must be converted to D50 relative values before being passed to this method. See the {@link ICC_ColorSpace#fromCIEXYZ(float[]) fromCIEXYZ} method ofICC_ColorSpace
for further information.
@param colorvalue a float array with length of at least 3
@return a float array with length equal to the number ofcomponents in this ColorSpace
@throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if array length is notat least 3