Returns the live list of fragments in this tag element.
The fragments cover everything following the tag name (or everything if there is no tag name), and generally omit embedded line breaks (and leading whitespace on new lines, including any leading "*"). {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement}nodes are used to represent tag elements (e.g., "@link") nested within this tag element.
Here are some typical examples:
- "@see Foo#bar()" - TagElement with tag name "@see"; fragments() contains a single MethodRef node
- "@param args the program arguments" - TagElement with tag name "@param"; 2 fragments: SimpleName ("args"), TextElement (" the program arguments")
- "@return See {@link #foo foo} instead." - TagElement with tag name "@return"; 3 fragments: TextElement ("See "), TagElement (for "@link #foo foo"), TextElement (" instead.")
The use of Name, MethodRef, and MemberRef nodes within tag elements allows these fragments to be queried for binding information.
Adding and removing nodes from this list affects this node dynamically. The nodes in this list may be of various types, including {@link TextElement}, {@link org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement}, {@link Name}, {@link MemberRef}, and {@link MethodRef}. Clients should assume that the list of types may grow in the future, and write their code to deal with unexpected nodes types. However, attempts to add a non-proscribed type of node will trigger an exception.
@return the live list of doc elements in this tag element(element type: {@link IDocElement})