Searches the project and all its libraries for a class with the specified full-qualified name and returns one if it is found.
@param qualifiedName the full-qualified name of the class to find.
@return the PSI class, or null if no class with such name is found.
@deprecated use {@link #findClass(String,GlobalSearchScope)}
Gets the class for the specified class name using the MBean Interceptor's classloader
Loads a ClassFile from a File.
@param file The file which should be a class to load.
@return The properties of the loaded class.
Finds the names class. This method should only be invoked for loading of the stub class
@param name the name of the class
@throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException problems locating the class
@return the class
Finds the given factory class using the the key to lookup.
@param key is the key to add to the path to find a text file containing the factory name
@return the factory class
@throws ClassNotFoundException is thrown if class not found
@throws java.io.IOException is thrown if loading the class or META-INF file not found
Forwarded, to the the method
Class.forName(String, boolean, ClassLoader)
, using the resolver's class loader.
Since 1.1, the type may include primitive types and arrays (of primitives or of objects).
@throws ApplicationRuntimeException on any error.
This method loads a class either with it's FQN or a short-name (solr.class-simplename or class-simplename). It tries to load the class with the name that is given first and if it fails, it tries all the known solr packages. This method caches the FQN of a short-name in a static map in-order to make subsequent lookups for the same class faster. The caching is done only if the class is loaded by the webapp classloader and it is loaded using a shortname.
@param cname The name or the short name of the class.
@param subpackages the packages to be tried if the cnams starts with solr.
@return the loaded class. An exception is thrown if it fails
Forwarded, to the the method Class.forName(String, boolean, ClassLoader)
, using the application's class loader. Throws an {@link ApplicationRuntimeException} on any error.
Searches for a class within a list of packages, which always includes the default package.
@param packageList a comma seperated list of package names (i.e., "java.lang,java.util")
@param className the name of the class to search for. This may be just a class name, or even a partial class name (i.e., "impl.Foo").
@return the class, if found, or null if no class could be found in any of the packages
Searches for and load a class on the classpath of this class loader.
@param name The name of the class to be loaded. Must not benull
@return the required Class object
@exception ClassNotFoundException if the requested class does not existon this loader's classpath.
Find one class or interface declared in this compilation unit by name.
@param className Fully qualified class name, e.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner".
@return null
if a class with that name is not declared in this compilation unit
Finds a class with specified name.
@param name the name of the class
@return a class with specified name or null if not found
@throws IllegalArgumentException if class name is null