@param id filtro da pesquisa.
@return Mercadoria com filtro no id, caso não exista retorna null.
@throws PersistenceException se algum problema ocorrer.
Finds an entity by its id.
@param < T> class of the entity you're trying to find.
@param < K> class of the id that the entity uses.
@param entityType Type of the entity.
@param id id value
@return T if found; null if not.
Find by id.
@param primaryKey the primary key
@param m the m
@param relationNames the relation names
@param client the client
@return the enhance entity
Find the node with the specified ID. Specifically, it returns the node whose idField matches the id passed to this method. If the tree is using the "parent" modelType, this lookup will be constant-time. For all other modelTypes, the tree will be searched recursively.
@param id ID of the node to return.
@return node with appropriate ID, or null if not found.
Find persistent bean by generic id.
@param beanInterface interface of bean to retrieve
@param id id object of bean to retrieve
@return retrieved bean instance or null if not found
Given an ID number and a class, try to find the object with that ID and class.
May return null; may return a proxy.
@param T - the class
@param id
@return returns the object of the specified class with the specified ID
@author mjd 20090306
Finds an object by its primary key.
@param id Primary key
@param entityClass Type of object to lookup (usually an interface or a class implementing PeristentObject)
@return The object or null if no such object can be found
@throws PersistenceException On error
Returns a document with the given id mapped onto the given class. The collection the query is ran against will be derived from the given target class as well.
@param < T>
@param id the id of the document to return.
@param entityClass the type the document shall be converted into.
@return the document with the given id mapped onto the given target class.
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