Examples of filter()

You can filter on id properties if this query is restricted to a Class.

  • com.googlecode.objectify.Query.filter()
  • com.hazelcast.query.IndexAwarePredicate.filter()
  • com.hp.hpl.jena.gvs.FCAGraph.filter()
    Returns a subgraph of this graph containing only the context of the specified grounded nodes, respectively only the fg-nodes being equals to or directly or indirectly containing one of the grounded nodes as well as all molecules containg one of those fg-nodes or one of the specified grounded nodes. @param onlyForGroundedNodes ths grounded nodes of which the context is to selected @return the FCAGraph for the matching subgraph
  • com.hp.hpl.jena.gvs.GraphOverTime.filter()
    Returns a GraphOverTime limited to the description of the context of the specified resources. The filtering criteria are the same as for the filter method in FCAGraph. The previous- and followingChanges method of the returned GraphOverTimer consider only changes relevant to the subset. @see com.hp.hpl.jena.gvs.FCAGraph.filter(Set) @param onlyForGroundedNodes ths grounded nodes of which the context is to selected @return the GraphOverTime for the matching subgraph
  • com.hp.hpl.jena.gvs.impl.FCAGraphImpl.filter()
  • com.hubspot.jackson.jaxrs.PropertyFilter.filter()
  • com.itstherules.image.buffered.BicubicScaleFilter.filter()
  • com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.filter.PathTokenFilter.filter()
  • com.jengine.orm.model.ModelClassBase.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.BlockFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.BoxBlurFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.ExposureFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.FlipFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.GainFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.GammaFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.GaussianFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.HSBAdjustFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.InvertFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.MarbleFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.PointFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.RGBAdjustFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.RotateFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.ShadowFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.SharpenFilter.filter()
  • com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter.filter()
  • com.liferay.faces.util.io.Filterable.filter()
  • com.mortennobel.imagescaling.AdvancedResizeOp.filter()
  • com.mortennobel.imagescaling.MultiStepRescaleOp.filter()
  • com.mortennobel.imagescaling.ResampleOp.filter()
  • com.mortennobel.imagescaling.ThumpnailRescaleOp.filter()
  • com.mountainminds.eclemma.internal.core.DefaultScopeFilter.filter()
    Returns a filtered copy of the given {@link IClassFiles} set. @param classfiles {@link IClassFiles} to filter @param configuration context information @return filtered set @throws CoreException may occur when accessing the Java model
  • com.mountainminds.eclemma.internal.core.instr.DefaultInstrumentationFilter.filter()
    Returns a filtered copy of the given {@link IClassFiles} array. @param classfiles {@link IClassFiles} to filter @param configuration context information @return filtered list @throws CoreException may occur when accessing the Java model
  • com.mucommander.commons.file.filter.AttributeFileFilter.filter()
  • com.mucommander.commons.file.filter.FileFilter.filter()
  • com.netflix.infix.lang.infix.antlr.EventFilterParser.filter()
  • com.pegaa.uploader.imgfilters.RotateFilter.filter()
  • com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactResult.filter()
  • com.sonian.elasticsearch.http.filter.FilterHttpServerTransport.filter()
  • com.subgraph.orchid.circuits.path.RouterFilter.filter()
  • com.subgraph.vega.api.model.scope.ITargetScope.filter()
    Returns true if the given URI matches the scope filter but does not match the exclusion filter. Equivalent to (isInsideScope(uri) && !isExcluded(uri)) @param uri The uri to test. @return true if the given URI matches the scope filter butdoes not match the exclusion filter.
  • com.sun.mirror.util.DeclarationFilter.filter()
    Returns the declarations matched by this filter. The result is a collection of the same type as the argument; the {@linkplain #filter(Collection,Class) two-parameter version}of filter offers control over the result type. @param < D> type of the declarations being filtered @param decls declarations being filtered @return the declarations matched by this filter
  • com.sun.star.document.XFilter.filter()
  • csa.gui.image.OpacityFilter.filter()
  • de.fzi.herakles.strategy.component.QueryFilter.filter()
    @param query Query task @return return true if the query passes the filter, else return false
  • edu.udo.cs.wvtool.generic.wordfilter.WVTWordFilter.filter()
    Filter tokens from a token stream. @param source the token stream to filter @param d the WVTDocumentInfo value about the document processed @return the filtered stream @exception Exception if an error occurs
  • europadm.upload.UploadFilter.filter()
    Filtering |input| uploaded data to |output| stream. @param input Uploaded data @param output Stream resulting from |input| filtering @throws IOException
  • example.Pojo.filter()
  • facebook4j.Reading.filter()
  • filter.IFilter.filter()
  • galoot.Filter.filter()
    Filter an object by applying some type of processing to it. The input object can be anything, so good implementations should only handle known types for the filter. If the input object does not apply to the operation at hand, you can return null. You could also return the original object. @param object the input object @param args optional arguments, pertinent to the operation @return the resultant object
  • gannuNLP.corpus.ContainsLemmaFilter.filter()
  • hitune.analysis.mapreduce.processor.FileFilter.FileFilter.filter()
  • htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.GenotypeBuilder.filter()
  • httl.spi.Filter.filter()
    Filter the string value. @param key - source key @param value - original string value @return filtered string value
  • info.bliki.wiki.tags.code.SourceCodeFormatter.filter()
    Convert the given content string to HTML synatx highlighted string. @param content @return
  • java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp.filter()
    Transforms the source BufferedImage and stores the results in the destination BufferedImage. If the color models for the two images do not match, a color conversion into the destination color model is performed. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage is created with the source ColorModel.

    The coordinates of the rectangle returned by getBounds2D(BufferedImage) are not necessarily the same as the coordinates of the BufferedImage returned by this method. If the upper-left corner coordinates of the rectangle are negative then this part of the rectangle is not drawn. If the upper-left corner coordinates of the rectangle are positive then the filtered image is drawn at that position in the destination BufferedImage.

    An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the source is the same as the destination. @param src The BufferedImage to transform. @param dst The BufferedImage in which to store the results of the transformation. @return The filtered BufferedImage. @throws IllegalArgumentException if src and dst are the same @throws ImagingOpException if the image cannot be transformedbecause of a data-processing error that might be caused by an invalid image format, tile format, or image-processing operation, or any other unsupported operation.

  • java.awt.image.BandCombineOp.filter()
    Transforms the Raster using the matrix specified in the constructor. An IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the number of bands in the source or destination is incompatible with the matrix. See the class comments for more details.

    If the destination is null, it will be created with a number of bands equalling the number of rows in the matrix. No exception is thrown if the operation causes a data overflow. @param src The Raster to be filtered. @param dst The Raster in which to store the results of the filter operation. @return The filtered Raster. @throws IllegalArgumentException If the number of bands in the source or destination is incompatible with the matrix.

  • java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp.filter()
    Performs a single-input/single-output operation on a BufferedImage. If the color models for the two images do not match, a color conversion into the destination color model is performed. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage with an appropriate ColorModel is created.

    An IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the source and/or destination image is incompatible with the types of images $ allowed by the class implementing this filter. @param src The BufferedImage to be filtered @param dest The BufferedImage in which to store the results$ @return The filtered BufferedImage. @throws IllegalArgumentException If the source and/or destinationimage is not compatible with the types of images allowed by the class implementing this filter.

  • java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp.filter()
    ColorConverts the source BufferedImage. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage will be created with an appropriate ColorModel. @param src the source BufferedImage to be converted @param dest the destination BufferedImage, or null @return dest color converted from src or a new, converted BufferedImage if dest is null @exception IllegalArgumentException if dest is null and this op wasconstructed using the constructor which takes only a RenderingHints argument, since the operation is ill defined.
  • java.awt.image.ConvolveOp.filter()
    Performs a convolution on BufferedImages. Each component of the source image will be convolved (including the alpha component, if present). If the color model in the source image is not the same as that in the destination image, the pixels will be converted in the destination. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage will be created with the source ColorModel. The IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the source is the same as the destination. @param src the source BufferedImage to filter @param dst the destination BufferedImage for the filtered src @return the filtered BufferedImage @throws NullPointerException if src is null @throws IllegalArgumentException if src equalsdst @throws ImagingOpException if src cannot be filtered
  • java.awt.image.LookupOp.filter()
    Performs a lookup operation on a BufferedImage. If the color model in the source image is not the same as that in the destination image, the pixels will be converted in the destination. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage will be created with an appropriate ColorModel. An IllegalArgumentException might be thrown if the number of arrays in the LookupTable does not meet the restrictions stated in the class comment above, or if the source image has an IndexColorModel. @param src the BufferedImage to be filtered @param dst the BufferedImage in which to store the results of the filter operation @return the filtered BufferedImage. @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of arrays in theLookupTable does not meet the restrictions described in the class comments, or if the source image has an IndexColorModel.
  • java.awt.image.RasterOp.filter()
    Performs a single-input/single-output operation from a source Raster to a destination Raster. If the destination Raster is null, a new Raster will be created. The IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the source and/or destination Raster is incompatible with the types of Rasters allowed by the class implementing this filter. @param src the source Raster @param dest the destination WritableRaster @return a WritableRaster that represents the result ofthe filtering operation.
  • java.awt.image.RescaleOp.filter()
    Rescales the source BufferedImage. If the color model in the source image is not the same as that in the destination image, the pixels will be converted in the destination. If the destination image is null, a BufferedImage will be created with the source ColorModel. An IllegalArgumentException may be thrown if the number of scaling factors/offsets in this object does not meet the restrictions stated in the class comments above, or if the source image has an IndexColorModel. @param src the BufferedImage to be filtered @param dst the destination for the filtering operation or null @return the filtered BufferedImage. @throws IllegalArgumentException if the ColorModelof src is an IndexColorModel, or if the number of scaling factors and offsets in this RescaleOp do not meet the requirements stated in the class comments.
  • junit.framework.JUnit4TestAdapter.filter()
  • mondrian.i18n.LocalizingDynamicSchemaProcessor.filter()
  • net.asfun.jangod.lib.Filter.filter()
  • net.pms.configuration.NameFilter.filter()
  • net.sf.collabreview.core.filter.Filter.filter()
    Test if an Artifact is acceptable. The test first executes a preFilter() test, followed by a contentFilter() test. The Artifact is only accepted if both tests succeed. @param artifact the Artifact to filter @return true iff the Artifact is acceptable to this filter. @see net.sf.collabreview.core.filter.Filter#preFilter(String,int,String)
  • net.sourceforge.dsnk.logic.HueColorFilter.filter()
  • net.sourceforge.dsnk.logic.TransparentColorFilter.filter()
  • net.sourceforge.processdash.ev.EVTaskList.filter()
  • net.sourceforge.processdash.log.time.TimeLog.filter()
  • net.sourceforge.processdash.ui.snippet.SnippetPageFilter.filter()
    Possibly make some change to the content of a page. @param page the page @param snippet the snippet which produced this filter @param mode the rendering mode for the page
  • npanday.executable.CommandFilter.filter()
    Filters the commands. @param commands the commands to filter. This parameter should not be null and will throw aNullPointerException if it is. @return a list of filtered commands.
  • org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.DisplacementMapOp.filter()
    @param src the Raster to be filtered @param dest stores the filtered image. If null, a destination willbe created. src and dest can refer to the same Raster, in which situation the src will be modified.
  • org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.MorphologyOp.filter()
    Filters src and writes result into dest. If dest if null, then a Raster is created. If dest and src refer to the same object, then the source is modified.

    The filtering kernel(the operation range for each pixel) is a rectangle of width 2*radiusX+1 and height radiusY+1

    @param src the Raster to be filtered @param dest stores the filtered image. If null, a destination willbe created. src and dest can refer to the same Raster, in which situation the src will be modified.

  • org.apache.beehive.samples.netui.ui.datagrid.sortandfilter.util.FilterByProperty.filter()
    Filter a data set using a set of filter predicates. Each filter predicate will be evaluated against each item in the data set. Items that are accepted by each predicate will be present in the returned {@link List}. Items returned will be in the order they were processed. @param dataSet the data set to filter @return a {@link List} of items that matched the filter criteria
  • org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadCommand.filter()
  • org.apache.cayenne.exp.Expression.filter()
    Adds objects matching this expression from the source collection to the target collection. @since 1.1
  • org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Graph.filter()
  • org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.MGraph.filter()
  • org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.TripleCollection.filter()
    Filters triples given a pattern. filter(null, null, null) returns the same as iterator() @param subject @param predicate @param object @return Iterator
  • org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.access.LockableMGraph.filter()
  • org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.impl.SimpleMGraph.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.HighestPrecedenceFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.MaxValueCountFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.MicroOperationFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.MostSpecificProtectedItemFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.MostSpecificUserClassFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.directory.server.core.authz.support.RestrictedByFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.droids.api.URLFilter.filter()
    Transforms the URL: can pass the original URL through or "delete" the URL by returning null @param urlString the url to filter @return null if the filter excludes the url or the url again if allowed
  • org.apache.flex.forks.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.MorphologyOp.filter()
    Filters src and writes result into dest. If dest if null, then a Raster is created. If dest and src refer to the same object, then the source is modified.

    The filtering kernel(the operation range for each pixel) is a rectangle of width 2*radiusX+1 and height radiusY+1

    @param src the Raster to be filtered @param dest stores the filtered image. If null, a destination willbe created. src and dest can refer to the same Raster, in which situation the src will be modified.

  • org.apache.hadoop.chukwa.util.XssFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.hadoop.gateway.filter.rewrite.spi.UrlRewriteStreamFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.parser.FilterParser.filter()
  • org.apache.ivyde.eclipse.resolvevisualizer.model.IIvyNodeElementFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter.collection.FilterArtifacts.filter()
  • org.apache.nutch.indexer.IndexingFilters.filter()
    Run all defined filters.
  • org.apache.nutch.indexer.basic.BasicIndexingFilter.filter()
  • org.apache.nutch.urlfilter.validator.UrlValidator.filter()
  • org.apache.sling.ide.filter.Filter.filter()
    Returns the result of filtering, i.e. whether a resource should be included in synchronization calls with the repository @param path a path in repository format @return the filter result, never null
  • org.apache.sling.models.annotations.injectorspecific.OSGiService.filter()
  • org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaPairRDD.filter()
  • org.apache.stanbol.commons.indexedgraph.IndexedMGraph.filter()
  • org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.BufferedWebResponse.filter()
  • org.asynchttpclient.filter.ResponseFilter.filter()
    An {@link org.asynchttpclient.AsyncHttpProvider} will invoke {@link ResponseFilter#filter} and will use thereturned {@link FilterContext#replayRequest()} and {@link FilterContext#getAsyncHandler()} to decide if the responseprocessing can continue. If {@link FilterContext#replayRequest()} return true, a new request will be madeusing {@link FilterContext#getRequest()} and the current response processing will be ignored. @param ctx a {@link FilterContext} @return {@link FilterContext}. The {@link FilterContext} instance may not the same as the original one. @throws FilterException to interrupt the filter processing.
  • org.beangle.db.replication.impl.DefaultTableFilter.filter()
  • org.crank.crud.controller.FilterablePageable.filter()
    Apply the filters. This sets the filters from the user and the programatic filters into the dataSource. This fires two filter events (pre and post).
  • org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.alias.IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasAction.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.AliasMetaData.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.NotFilter.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.index.query.ParsedFilter.filter()
  • org.elasticsearch.search.builder.SearchSourceBuilder.filter()
    Sets a filter on the query executed that only applies to the search query (and not facets for example).
  • org.elasticsearch.search.lookup.SourceLookup.filter()
  • org.encuestame.core.security.util.HTMLInputFilter.filter()
    given a user submitted input String, filter out any invalid or restricted html. @param input text (i.e. submitted by a user) than may contain html @return "clean" version of input, with only valid, whitelisted htmlelements allowed
  • org.exist.stax.EmbeddedXMLStreamReader.filter()
  • org.gatein.api.navigation.Node.filter()
    Will return a filtered view of this navigation node. All child operations consider the filter.

    For example if a node has 3 visible and one hidden children nodes and a filter is applied to only accept visible nodes, getChildrenCount would only return 2, iterating over the filtered node would not include the hidden node, etc.

    @return a filtered node @throws IllegalArgumentException if filter is null
  • org.geoserver.monitor.MonitorQuery.filter()
  • org.geoserver.monitor.Query.filter()
  • org.geotools.data.Join.filter()
    Chaining method for {@link #setFilter(Filter)}
  • org.geotools.geometry.iso.topograph2D.util.UniqueCoordinateArrayFilter.filter()
  • org.gephi.filters.spi.ComplexFilter.filter()
  • org.gephi.filters.spi.Operator.filter()
  • org.gradle.api.file.FileCopyDetails.filter()
  • org.grails.exceptions.reporting.DefaultStackTraceFilterer.filter()
  • org.grails.exceptions.reporting.StackTraceFilterer.filter()

    Remove all apparently Grails-internal trace entries from the exception instance

    This modifies the original instance and returns it, it does not clone

    @param source The source exception @param recursive Whether to recursively filter the cause @return The exception passed in, after cleaning the stack trace
  • org.graphity.processor.query.SelectBuilder.filter()
  • org.hibernate.classic.Session.filter()
    Apply a filter to a persistent collection. A filter is a Hibernate query that may refer to this, the collection element. Filters allow efficient access to very large lazy collections. (Executing the filter does not initialize the collection.) @deprecated use {@link #createFilter(Object,String)}. {@link Query#list} @param collection a persistent collection to filter @param filter a filter query string @return Collection the resulting collection @throws HibernateException
  • org.infinispan.objectfilter.ObjectFilter.filter()
    Tests if an object instance matches the filter. @param instance the instance to test; this is never {@code null} @return a {@code FilterResult} if there is a match or {@code null} otherwise
  • org.infinispan.query.CacheQuery.filter()
    Allows lucene to filter the results. @param f - lucene filter
  • org.jboss.arquillian.spock.ArquillianSputnik.filter()
  • org.jboss.arquillian.warp.impl.client.enrichment.HttpRequestEnrichmentFilter.filter()
  • org.jboss.dashboard.ui.Dashboard.filter()
  • org.jboss.resteasy.core.AcceptParameterHttpPreprocessor.filter()
  • org.junit.internal.runners.JUnit38ClassRunner.filter()
  • org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filterable.filter()
    Remove tests that don't pass the parameter filter. @param filter the {@link Filter} to apply @throws NoTestsRemainException if all tests are filtered out
  • org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.filter()
  • org.languagetool.rules.RuleMatchFilter.filter()
  • org.languagetool.rules.RuleWithMaxFilter.filter()
    @param ruleMatches list of matches
  • org.languagetool.rules.SameRuleGroupFilter.filter()
    @param ruleMatches list of matches
  • org.mockito.internal.exceptions.base.ConditionalStackTraceFilter.filter()
  • org.mockito.internal.exceptions.base.StackTraceFilter.filter()
    Example how the filter works (+/- means good/bad): [a+, b+, c-, d+, e+, f-, g+] -> [a+, b+, g+] Basically removes all bad from the middle. If any good are in the middle of bad those are also removed.
  • org.mockito.internal.exceptions.stacktrace.ConditionalStackTraceFilter.filter()
  • org.mockito.internal.exceptions.stacktrace.StackTraceFilter.filter()
    Example how the filter works (+/- means good/bad): [a+, b+, c-, d+, e+, f-, g+] -> [a+, b+, g+] Basically removes all bad from the middle. If any good are in the middle of bad those are also removed.
  • org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnit44Runner.filter()
  • org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner.filter()
  • org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal.TraversalDescription.filter()
    Adds {@code filter} to the list of filters to use, i.e. a filter todecide which positions are OK to return or not. Each position is represented by a {@link Path} from the start node of thetraversal to the current node. The current node is the {@link Path#endNode()} of the path. Each {@link Path} must be acceptedby all added filter for it to be returned from the traverser. For adding a filter which returns paths accepted by any filters, see {@link Traversal#returnAcceptedByAny(Predicate)} for convenience. @param filter the {@link Predicate} to add to the list of filters. @return a new traversal description with the new modifications. @deprecated because of the introduction of {@link Evaluator}. Use {@link #evaluator(Evaluator)} instead which combines{@link #filter(Predicate)} and {@link #prune(PruneEvaluator)}. The supplied {@link Predicate} will be wrapped by an {@link Evaluator} internally.
  • org.olat.core.util.filter.Filter.filter()
    Filter the original value and return the result. If the original value is NULL, the filter method will return NULL @param original @return
  • org.olat.core.util.filter.impl.OWASPAntiSamyXSSFilter.filter()
    @see org.olat.core.util.filter.Filter#filter(java.lang.String)
  • org.openengsb.core.api.remote.FilterAction.filter()
    Transforms the input-value received from the previous filter to an output value that is then returned. @throws FilterException if some Exception occurs. All Exception should be wrapped in a {@link FilterException} sothat they can be treated at the end of the chain.
  • org.openrdf.model.Model.filter()
    Returns a view of the statements with the specified subject, predicate, object and (optionally) context. The subject, predicate and object parameters can be null to indicate wildcards. The contexts parameter is a wildcard and accepts zero or more values. If no contexts are specified, statements will match disregarding their context. If one or more contexts are specified, statements with a context matching one of these will match. Note: to match statements without an associated context, specify the value null and explicitly cast it to type Resource.

    The returned model is backed by this Model, so changes to this Model are reflected in the returned model, and vice-versa. If this Model is modified while an iteration over the returned model is in progress (except through the iterator's own remove operation), the results of the iteration are undefined. The model supports element removal, which removes the corresponding statement from this Model, via the Iterator.remove, Set.remove, removeAll, retainAll, and clear operations. The statements passed to the add and addAll operations must match the parameter pattern.

    Examples: model.filter(s1, null, null) matches all statements that have subject s1,
    model.filter(null, null, null, c1) matches all statements that have context c1,
    model.filter(null, null, null, (Resource)null) matches all statements that have no associated context,
    model.filter(null, null, null, c1, c2, c3) matches all statements that have context c1, c2 or c3. @param subj The subject of the statements to match, null to match statements with any subject. @param pred The predicate of the statements to match, null to match statements with any predicate. @param obj The object of the statements to match, null to match statements with any object. @param contexts The contexts of the statements to match. If no contexts are specified, statements will match disregarding their context. If one or more contexts are specified, statements with a context matching one of these will match. @return The statements that match the specified pattern.

  • org.openrdf.sail.rdbms.evaluation.SqlQueryBuilder.filter()
  • org.pdfclown.tools.TextExtractor.filter()
    Gets the text strings matching the given area. @param textStrings Text strings to filter, grouped by source area. @param area Graphic area which text strings have to be matched to.
  • org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument.filter()
  • org.spockframework.runtime.Sputnik.filter()
  • org.springframework.expression.MethodFilter.filter()
    Called by the method resolver to allow the SpEL user to organize the list of candidate methods that may be invoked. The filter can remove methods that should not be considered candidates and it may sort the results. The resolver will then search through the methods as returned from the filter when looking for a suitable candidate to invoke. @param methods the full list of methods the resolver was going to choose from @return a possible subset of input methods that may be sorted by order of relevance
  • org.sylfra.idea.plugins.revu.ui.toolwindow.tree.IssueTreeModel.filter()
  • org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.Filter.filter()
    Filters data and returns a new buffer with data or an original buffer. Original buffer may not be fully consumed, #compact() might be operation to perform @param src @return a buffer ready to be read
  • org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.NewlineFilter.filter()
  • org.vaadin.spring.events.EventBusListenerMethod.filter()
  • org.vaadin.spring.events.EventBusListenerMethodFilter.filter()
    Criteria used to influence when an @EventBusListenerMethod annotated method with this filter defined will execute @param payload any Object @return true if filtering condition met; false otherwise
  • org.vaadin.teemu.clara.inflater.filter.AttributeFilter.filter()
    This method is called before an attribute value is set to a {@link Component} allowing manipulation of the value by calling{@link AttributeContext#setValue(Object)}.

    Call the {@link AttributeContext#proceed()} to proceed to the next{@link AttributeFilter} and to finally set the value if no other{@link AttributeFilter}s exist. If you do not call the {@link AttributeContext#proceed()} method, the value will never be setfor the {@link Component}. @param attributeContext
  • pspdash.TimeLog.filter()
  • railo.runtime.img.filter.MarbleFilter.filter()
  • railo.runtime.img.filter.QuantizeFilter.filter()
  • ru.aristar.jnuget.query.Expression.filter()
    Отфильтровать пакеты, удовлетворяющие выражению @param packages исходная коллекция пакетов @return отфильтрованные пакеты
  • seekfeel.miners.features.extractors.FeaturesExtractor.filter()
  • stallone.cluster.MilestoningFilter.filter()
    Filters the trajectory using milestoning count @param traj @return the filtered trajectory. Might be an empty array if there is nothing left after filtering
  • synalp.generation.jeni.filtering.dlx.DLXFiltering.filter()
  • twitter4j.TwitterStream.filter()
    om/Streaming-API-Documentation#filter">Twitter API Wiki / Streaming API Documentation - filter @since Twitter4J 2.0.10
  • wk.filters.BlurFilter.filter()
  • wk.filters.CompoundFilter.filter()
  • xerial.larray.LIntArray.filter()

  • Examples of DSP.filter.fir.equiripple.CenteredHilbertTransform.filter()

       * @param realSignal   double[] containing the original real signal.
      public ComplexAnalyticSignal( double[] realSignal ) {
        realPart = realSignal.clone();
        CenteredHilbertTransform transformer = new CenteredHilbertTransform( 50, 0.03, 0.97 );
        double[] tmp = transformer.filter( realPart );
        Sequence.zeroShift( tmp, -50 );
        imagPart = new double[ realPart.length ];
        System.arraycopy( tmp, 0, imagPart, 0, realPart.length );
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    Examples of ch.powerunit.Parameter.filter()

                                f -> {
                                    Parameter p = f.getAnnotation(Parameter.class);
                                    if (p.filter()) {
                                        if (filterParameterField != null) {
                                            throw new InternalError(
                                                    "@Parameter filter attribute can only be used once per test class.");
                                        if (!BiFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(f
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    Examples of cn.edu.pku.dr.requirement.elicitation.system.DataContextFilter.filter()

                ArrayList list = (ArrayList) userCache.getCacheData(className);
                list = filterTreeList(list);
                DataContextFilter filter= DataContextFilter.getInstance();
                Tree tree = ts.getTree(className, list);
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                if (!GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(selectMode))
                    selectModeInt = Integer.parseInt(selectMode);
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    Examples of com.adaptrex.core.ext.data.DataConfig.filter()

          if (filter != null) {
            for (String filterItem : filter.split(",")) {
              String[] parts = filterItem.split("=");
              String property = parts[0];
              String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
              config.filter(property, value);

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    Examples of com.adaptrex.core.ext.data.Store.filter()

            if (filter != null) {
              for (String filterItem : filter.split(",")) {
                  String[] parts = filterItem.split("=");
                  String property = parts[0];
                  String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
                  store.filter(property, value);
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    Examples of com.alee.graphics.filters.ShadowFilter.filter()

            ig.fill ( shape );
            ig.dispose ();

            // Creating shade image
            final ShadowFilter sf = new ShadowFilter ( shadeWidth, 0, 0, shadeOpacity );
            final BufferedImage shade = sf.filter ( bi, null );

            // Clipping shade image
            if ( clearColor != null )
                final Graphics2D g2d = shade.createGraphics ();
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    Examples of com.alibaba.maven.plugin.docbook.WordBreaker.filter()

            if (forceBreakingWords != null) {
                Locale locale = parseLocale(forceBreakingWords);
                WordBreaker wb = new WordBreaker(result, locale);

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to breaking words", e);
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    Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.filter.aviater.AviaterELFilter.filter()

            AviaterELFilter filter = new AviaterELFilter("str(entry.entryType) == 'ROWDATA'");

            CanalEntry.Entry.Builder entry = CanalEntry.Entry.newBuilder();

            boolean result = filter.filter(entry.build());
            Assert.assertEquals(true, result);
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    Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.filter.aviater.AviaterRegexFilter.filter()


            boolean result = filter.filter("u.abc");
            Assert.assertEquals(true, result);

            result = filter.filter("ab.x");
            Assert.assertEquals(true, result);

            result = filter.filter("ab.xyz1");
            Assert.assertEquals(false, result);

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    Examples of com.alibaba.otter.canal.filter.aviater.AviaterSimpleFilter.filter()

    public class AviaterFilterTest {

        public void test_simple() {
            AviaterSimpleFilter filter = new AviaterSimpleFilter("s1.t1,s2.t2");
            boolean result = filter.filter("s1.t1");
            Assert.assertEquals(true, result);

            result = filter.filter("s1.t2");
            Assert.assertEquals(false, result);
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