// XXX NOTE, use of TIP for working copy parent is questionable, at least. Instead, TIP shall mean latest cset or not allowed at all
ManifestRevision collect = null; // non null indicates we compare against base revision
Set<Path> baseRevFiles = Collections.emptySet(); // files from base revision not affected by status calculation
if (baseRevision != TIP && baseRevision != WORKING_COPY) {
collect = getManifest(baseRevision);
baseRevFiles = new TreeSet<Path>(collect.files());
if (inspector instanceof HgStatusCollector.Record) {
HgStatusCollector sc = baseRevisionCollector == null ? new HgStatusCollector(repo) : baseRevisionCollector;
// nodeidAfterChange(dirstate's parent) doesn't make too much sense,
// because the change might be actually in working copy. Nevertheless,