Fetch a record located in the passed in slot.
Fetch a record located in the passed in slot and fill-in the passed in StorebleRow and the Object columns contained within. If row is null then the record is locked but is not fetched.
This interface allows the caller to either return a deleted row or not. If "ignoreDelete" is set to true, fetch the record regardless of whether it is deleted or not (same as above fetchFromSlot). However, if "ignoreDelete" is set to false and the and the slot correspond to a deleted row, null is returned.
If a non-null Qualifier list is provided then the qualifier array will be applied to the row and the row will only be returned if the row qualifies, otherwise null will be returned. Values in the columns of row may or may not be altered while trying to apply the qualifiers, if null is returned the state of the columns is undefined. If a null Qualifier list is provided then no qualification is applied.
If a non-null record handle is passed in, it is assumed that the record handle corresponds to the record in the slot. If record handle is null, a record handle will be manufactured and returned if the record is not deleted or if "ignoreDelete" is true. This parameter is here for the case where the caller have already manufactured the record handle for locking or other purposes so it would make sense for the page to avoid creating a new record handle object if possible.
@param rh the record handle of the row. If non-null it must refer to the same record as the slot.
@param slot the slot number
@param row Row to be filled in with information from record.
@param fetchDesc A structure to efficiently carry a set of parametersneeded to describe the fetch, these include: validColumns - A bit map of which columns in the row to be fetched. ValidColumns will not be changed by RawStore. qualifier_list - A list of Qualifiers to apply to the row to see if the row should be returned. An array of qualifiers which restrict whether or not the row should be returned by the fetch. Rows for which any one of the qualifiers returns false are not returned by the fetch. If null, no qualification is done and the requested columns of the rows are returned. Qualifiers can only reference columns which are included in the scanColumnList. The column id that a qualifier returns is the column id the table, not the column id in the partial row being returned. qualifier_scratch_space - An array of int's that matches the size of the row[] array. Used to process qualifiers, if no qualifiers are input then array need not be input. Passed in rather than allocated so that space can be allocated a single time in a scan. If not passed in then raw store will allocate and deallocate per call.
@param ignoreDelete if true, return row regardless of whether it is deleted or not. If false, only return non-deleted row.
@return A handle to the record.
@exception StandardException Standard Derby error policy
@see LockingPolicy