This is interpretted as an update command; as a result, the entire command line (include command name) is passed into the execute() method of the command service with the name update if one exists. If the corresponding command service is not found, then an error message is printed to the error print stream. @param commandLine the command line to execute. @param out the standard output print stream. @param err the standard error print stream.
@param command to be executed remotely
@param identityFile is the name of alternative identity file; defaultis ~user/.ssh/id_dsa
@param portNumber remote SSH daemon port number, default is 22
@throws Exception in case of errors
@param event The SWT event triggering the command execution; may be null
@return The return value from the execution; may be null
@throws ExecutionException If the handler has problems executing this command.
@throws NotDefinedException If the command you are trying to execute is not defined.
@throws NotEnabledException If the command you are trying to execute is not enabled.
@throws NotHandledException If there is no handler.
@since 3.2
@see Command#executeWithChecks(ExecutionEvent)