Package edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.dcoref.Mention.spanToString()

      // Can be iffy if more than two speakers... but still should be okay most of the time
      if (dict.secondPersonPronouns.contains(mString)
          && dict.secondPersonPronouns.contains(antString)
          && Rules.entitySameSpeaker(document, mention, ant)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: 2nd person same speaker: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      // previous I - you or previous you - I in two person conversation
      if (((mention.person==Person.I && ant.person==Person.YOU
          || (mention.person==Person.YOU && ant.person==Person.I))
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      // previous I - you or previous you - I in two person conversation
      if (((mention.person==Person.I && ant.person==Person.YOU
          || (mention.person==Person.YOU && ant.person==Person.I))
          && (mention.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class)-ant.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class) == 1)
          && document.docType==DocType.CONVERSATION)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: between two person: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      if (dict.reflexivePronouns.contains(mention.headString) && Rules.entitySubjectObject(mention, ant)){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: reflexive pronoun: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + ") :: " + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID == ant.goldCorefClusterID));
        return true;
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          && document.docType==DocType.CONVERSATION)) {
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: between two person: " + mention.spanToString() + "\tmatched\t" + ant.spanToString());
        return true;
      if (dict.reflexivePronouns.contains(mention.headString) && Rules.entitySubjectObject(mention, ant)){
        SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("discourse match: reflexive pronoun: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + ") :: " + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID == ant.goldCorefClusterID));
        return true;
        && !flags.USE_APPOSITION && !flags.USE_WORDS_INCLUSION) {
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        for(Mention a : potentialAntecedent.getCorefMentions()){
          // angelx - not sure about the logic here, disable (code was also refactored from original)
          // vv gabor - re-enabled code (seems to improve performance) vv
          if(m.person!=Person.I && a.person!=Person.I &&
            (Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, m, a, dict) || Rules.antecedentIsMentionSpeaker(document, a, m, dict))) {
            SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: not match(speaker): " +ant.spanToString()+"("+ant.mentionID + ") :: "+ mention.spanToString()+"("+mention.mentionID + ") -> "+(mention.goldCorefClusterID!=ant.goldCorefClusterID));
            document.addIncompatible(m, a);
            return false;
          // ^^ end block of code in question ^^
          int dist = Math.abs(m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class) - a.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
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          if(document.docType!=DocType.ARTICLE && dist==1 && !Rules.entitySameSpeaker(document, m, a)) {
            String mSpeaker = document.speakers.get(m.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
            String aSpeaker = document.speakers.get(a.headWord.get(CoreAnnotations.UtteranceAnnotation.class));
            if(m.person==Person.I && a.person==Person.I) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor I: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
                      + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + "," + mSpeaker + ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID != ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
            if(m.person==Person.YOU && a.person==Person.YOU) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor YOU: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
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              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
            if(m.person==Person.YOU && a.person==Person.YOU) {
              SieveCoreferenceSystem.logger.finest("Incompatibles: neighbor YOU: " + ant.spanToString() + "(" + ant.mentionID + "," + aSpeaker + ") :: "
                      + mention.spanToString() + "(" + mention.mentionID + "," + mSpeaker +  ") -> " + (mention.goldCorefClusterID != ant.goldCorefClusterID));
              document.addIncompatible(m, a);
              return false;
            // This is weak since we can refer to both speakers
            if(m.person==Person.WE && a.person==Person.WE) {
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