if (n!=null) nod(n);
int bitwidth=(-1), maxseq=(-1), overall=(-1), expects=(c==null ? -1 : c.num);
Pos p = o.pos.merge(n!=null ? n.span() : e.span());
for(int i=s.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
Sig j=s.get(i).sig; int k=s.get(i).startingScope;
if (j.label.equals("univ")) { overall=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
if (j.label.equals("int")) { if (bitwidth>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The bitwidth cannot be specified more than once."); bitwidth=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
if (j.label.equals("seq")) { if (maxseq>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(j.pos, "The maximum sequence length cannot be specified more than once."); maxseq=k; s.remove(i); continue; }
if (n!=null)