assertEquals("Expected default category list field is $facets", "$facets", ifip.getCategoryListParams(null).field);
String expectedDDText = "a" + ifip.getFacetDelimChar() + "b";
CategoryPath cp = new CategoryPath("a", "b");
assertEquals("wrong drill-down term", new Term("$facets", expectedDDText), DrillDownQuery.term(ifip,cp));
char[] buf = new char[20];
int numchars = ifip.drillDownTermText(cp, buf);
assertEquals("3 characters should be written", 3, numchars);
assertEquals("wrong drill-down term text", expectedDDText, new String(buf, 0, numchars));
assertEquals("partition for all ordinals is the first", "", PartitionsUtils.partitionNameByOrdinal(ifip, 250));
assertEquals("for partition 0, the same name should be returned", "", PartitionsUtils.partitionName(0));