Drains liquid from the pipette
@param pipette
@param maxDrain
@param doDrain
@return Fluid stack representing the liquid and amount drained from the pipette.
Attempt to drain the block. This method should be called by devices such as pumps. NOTE: The block is intended to handle its own state changes.
@param doDrain If false, the drain will only be simulated.
@param container ItemStack which is the fluid container.
@param maxDrain Maximum amount of fluid to be removed from the container.
@param doFill If false, the drain will only be simulated.
@return Amount of fluid that was (or would have been, if simulated) drained from thecontainer.
Drains fluid out of internal tanks, distribution is left entirely to the IFluidHandler.
@param from Orientation the Fluid is drained to.
@param resource FluidStack representing the Fluid and maximum amount of fluid to be drained.
@param doDrain If false, drain will only be simulated.
@return FluidStack representing the Fluid and amount that was (or would have been, ifsimulated) drained.
Consume any more data that has been written by the writer but not needed by the reader so that the the underlying decoder is in proper shape for the next record. This situation happens when, for example, the writer writes a record with two fields and the reader needs only the first field. This function should be called after completely decoding an object but before next object can be decoded from the same underlying decoder either directly or through another resolving decoder. If the same resolving decoder is used for the next object as well, calling this method is optional; the state of this resolving decoder ensures that any leftover portions are consumed before the next object is decoded.
@throws IOException
Drain all the data for the given nodes and collate them into a list of batches that will fit within the specified size on a per-node basis. This method attempts to avoid choosing the same topic-node over and over.
@param cluster The current cluster metadata
@param nodes The list of node to drain
@param maxSize The maximum number of bytes to drain
@param now The current unix time in milliseconds
@return A list of {@link RecordBatch} for each node specified with total size less than the requested maxSize.TODO: There may be a starvation issue due to iteration order
Drains the buffer into a line builder (start line or header line).
@param lineBuilder The line builder to fill.
@param builderState The builder state.
@return The new builder state.
@throws IOException
Block the current thread until all queued stored procedure invocations have received responses or there are no more connections to the cluster
@throws NoConnectionsException
Called to synchronously force the VoltBulkLoader to submit all the partially full batches in all partitions of the table to the Client for insert. This call will wait until all previously submitted rows (including retried failed batch rows) have been processed and received responses from the Client.
@throws java.lang.InterruptedException
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