If no {@code Dockable} is resolved for the specified {@code Component}, then this method attempts to register the {@code Component} as a{@code Dockable} automatically by calling{@code DockingManager.registerDockable(Component comp)}.
If either {@code comp} or {@code region} region are {@code null}, then this method returns {@code false}. Otherwise, this method returns a boolean indicating the success of the docking operation based upon {@code dock(Dockable dockable, String region)}. @param comp the {@code Component} to be docked within this{@code DockingPort} @param region the region within this {@code DockingPort} to dock thespecified {@code Component} @return {@code true} if the docking operation was successful,{@code false} otherwise. @see DockingPort#dock(Component,String) @see #dock(Dockable,String) @see DockingManager#getDockable(Component) @see DockingManager#registerDockable(Component)