with the revisions eligible for merge from mergeSrcURL
(as of srcPegRevision
) into path
(as of pegRevision
). discoverChangedPaths
and revisionProperties
are the same as for {@link SVNLogClient#doLog(File[],SVNRevision,SVNRevision,SVNRevision,boolean,boolean,boolean,long,String[],ISVNLogEntryHandler)}. Note: this routine requires repository access.
@param path working copy path (merge target)
@param pegRevision a revision in which path
is first looked up
@param mergeSrcURL merge source repository url
@param srcPegRevision a revision in which mergeSrcURL
is first looked up
@param discoverChangedPaths true to report of all changed paths for every revision being processed (those paths will be available by calling {@link org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntry#getChangedPaths()})
@param revisionProperties names of revision properties to retrieve
@param handler the caller's log entry handler
@throws SVNException in the following cases: handler
with the revisions eligible for merge from mergeSrcURL
(as of srcPegRevision
) into path
(as of pegRevision
). discoverChangedPaths
and revisionProperties
are the same as for {@link SVNLogClient#doLog(File[],SVNRevision,SVNRevision,SVNRevision,boolean,boolean,boolean,long,String[],ISVNLogEntryHandler)}. Note: this routine requires repository access.
@param path working copy path (merge target)
@param pegRevision a revision in which path
is first looked up
@param mergeSrcURL merge source repository url
@param srcPegRevision a revision in which mergeSrcURL
is first looked up
@param discoverChangedPaths true to report of all changed paths for every revision being processed (those paths will be available by calling {@link org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntry#getChangedPaths()})
@param revisionProperties names of revision properties to retrieve
@param handler the caller's log entry handler
@throws SVNException in the following cases: