method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a action request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain. The FilterChain
passed in to this method allows the Filter to pass on the action request and response to the next component in the chain.
The doFilter
method of a filter will typically be implemented following this or some subset of the following pattern:
in order to modify request data.doFilter
method with a customized implementation of the response wrapper ActionResponseWrapper
to modify response data.doFilter
method on the FilterChain
object, and passing in the request and response with which it was called or passing in wrapped versions it may have created. The filter chain�s implementation of the doFilter
method, provided by the portlet container, must locate the next component in the filter chain and invoke its doFilter
method, passing in the appropriate request and response objects. Alternatively, the filter chain can block the request by not making the call to invoke the next component, leaving the filter responsible for filling out the response object.UnavailableException
during its doFilter
processing, the portlet container must not attempt continued processing down the filter chain. It may choose to retry the whole chain at a later time if the exception is not marked permanent.doFilter
method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a event request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain. The FilterChain
passed in to this method allows the Filter to pass on the event request and response to the next component in the chain.
The doFilter
method of a filter will typically be implemented following this or some subset of the following pattern:
in order to modify request data.doFilter
method with a customized implementation of the response wrapper ActionResponseWrapper
to modify response data.doFilter
method on the FilterChain
object, and passing in the request and response with which it was called or passing in wrapped versions it may have created. The filter chain�s implementation of the doFilter
method, provided by the portlet container, must locate the next component in the filter chain and invoke its doFilter
method, passing in the appropriate request and response objects. Alternatively, the filter chain can block the request by not making the call to invoke the next component, leaving the filter responsible for filling out the response object.UnavailableException
during its doFilter
processing, the portlet container must not attempt continued processing down the filter chain. It may choose to retry the whole chain at a later time if the exception is not marked permanent.doFilter
method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a render request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain. The FilterChain
passed in to this method allows the Filter to pass on the render request and response to the next component in the chain.
The doFilter
method of a filter will typically be implemented following this or some subset of the following pattern:
in order to modify request data.doFilter
method with a customized implementation of the response wrapper RenderResponseWrapper
to modify response data.doFilter
method on the FilterChain
object, and passing in the request and response with which it was called or passing in wrapped versions it may have created. The filter chain�s implementation of the doFilter
method, provided by the portlet container, must locate the next component in the filter chain and invoke its doFilter
method, passing in the appropriate request and response objects. Alternatively, the filter chain can block the request by not making the call to invoke the next component, leaving the filter responsible for filling out the response object.UnavailableException
during its doFilter
processing, the portlet container must not attempt continued processing down the filter chain. It may choose to retry the whole chain at a later time if the exception is not marked permanent.doFilter
method of the Filter is called by the portlet container each time a resource request/response pair is passed through the chain due to a client request for a portlet method at the end of the chain. The FilterChain
passed in to this method allows the Filter to pass on the resource request and response to the next component in the chain.
The doFilter
method of a filter will typically be implemented following this or some subset of the following pattern:
in order to modify request data.doFilter
method with a customized implementation of the response wrapper ResourceResponseWrapper
to modify response data.doFilter
method on the FilterChain
object, and passing in the request and response with which it was called or passing in wrapped versions it may have created. The filter chain�s implementation of the doFilter
method, provided by the portlet container, must locate the next component in the filter chain and invoke its doFilter
method, passing in the appropriate request and response objects. Alternatively, the filter chain can block the request by not making the call to invoke the next component, leaving the filter responsible for filling out the response object.UnavailableException
during its doFilter
processing, the portlet container must not attempt continued processing down the filter chain. It may choose to retry the whole chain at a later time if the exception is not marked
. The returned map contains {@link} values. Keys to thereader values are String
s that serve as field names. E.g. a TextFilter for a html document may extract multiple fields: one for the title and one for the whole content.
@param data the data property that contains the binary content.
@param encoding the encoding of the content or null
does not use encoding.
@return the extracted text.
@throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while reading from thenode or if the data is malformed.
method of the AjaxFilter is called by DWR each time an Ajax request is made on a method that this filter is configured against. The AjaxFilterChain passed in to this method allows the filter to pass on method details to next entity in the chain. Typically the method would do the following:
- Examine the request
- Optionally alter the method, object or parameters
- Either invoke the next entity in the chain using the AjaxFilterChain or decide to take some other action instead.
- Optionally modify the value returned to the user
- Take some other action (e.g. logging)
@param obj The object to execute the method on (i.e. 'this')
@param method The method to execute
@param params The parameters to the method call
@param chain Allow the request to be passed on
@return The results of the method execution
@throws IOException When some I/O error occurs
@throws Exception When some processing goes wrong
from dumpStream
to resultDumpStream
. This method is similar to the functionality provided by the 'svndumpfilter'
utility. If exclude
is true then filters out nodes with prefixes
, otherwise nodes without prefixes
. If the caller has {@link #setEventHandler(ISVNEventHandler) provided} an event handler, the handler will be called with different actions: renumberRevisions
is true and informs that an original revision (which is provided as {@link SVNAdminEvent#getRevision()}) was dropped. {@link SVNAdminEventAction#DUMP_FILTER_RENUMBERED_REVISION} - is sent only when renumberRevisions
is true and informs that the original revision (provided as {@link SVNAdminEvent#getOriginalRevision()}) was renumbered to {@link SVNAdminEvent#getRevision()}. {@link SVNAdminEventAction#DUMP_FILTER_DROPPED_NODE} - says that {@link SVNAdminEvent#getPath()} was dropped. {@link SVNAdminEventAction#DUMP_FILTER_TOTAL_NODES_DROPPED} - use {@link SVNAdminEvent#getDroppedNodesCount()} to retrieve the total number of dropped nodes. {@link SVNAdminEventAction#DUMP_FILTER_REVISION_COMMITTED} - is sent to inform that the original revision {@link SVNAdminEvent#getOriginalRevision()} resulted in {@link SVNAdminEvent#getRevision()} in the output. {@link SVNAdminEventAction#DUMP_FILTER_REVISION_SKIPPED} - is sent to inform that the original revision {@link SVNAdminEvent#getRevision()} is dropped (skipped).prefixes
@param renumberRevisions if true, renumbers revisions leftafter filtering
@param dropEmptyRevisions if true, then removes revisionsemptied by filtering
@param preserveRevisionProperties if true, then does not filterrevision properties
@param prefixes prefixes of the path to filter
@param skipMissingMergeSources if true, then skips missig merge sources
@throws SVNException
@since 1.2.0, SVN 1.5.0