3.org/TR/xpath#data-model for the definition of a node's string-value). Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param nodeHandle The node ID.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@param normalize true if the content should be normalized according tothe rules for the XPath normalize-space function.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value. Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value. Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
3.org/TR/xpath#data-model for the definition of a node's string-value). Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param nodeHandle The node ID.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@param normalize true if the content should be normalized according tothe rules for the XPath normalize-space function.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value. Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Directly call the characters method on the passed ContentHandler for the string-value. Multiple calls to the ContentHandler's characters methods may well occur for a single call to this method.
@param ch A non-null reference to a ContentHandler.
@throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
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