Dispatches the related command.
@throws NOAException if the command can not be executed
@author Andreas Br�ker
@date 14.06.2006
Dispatch the event to all the registered event listeners, in the same order they were registered. If a listener is a ProgressView then it's made visible if it's not.
@param event event to dispatch
Dispatches the given message to the appropriate listener.
@param message holds the listener ID, operation ID and parameters
@throws IllegalArgumentException if no listener is registered with the given ID
SPI method to dispatch the packet to the proper handler
XXX: perhaps remove this in lieu of other interface
The dispatcher will query its controllers and pass the application event to any controllers that can handle the particular event type.
@param event the application event
This method invokes the appropriate method on a listener for this event. Subclasses provide the implementation.
Hook to notify any listeners of the changes after an undo or redo has been carried out. This implementation is empty.
Runs the saved search.
@return The search job.
Dispatch the request to the HttpService running with the framework.
@param request The request.
@param response The response.
@throws IOException If there was an IO problem.
@throws ServletException If there was a general servlet problem.
lookup and execute action, if the action cannot be found (as a class or instance) nothing will be executed
@param actionName the name of the action, name will be sanitized to [a-zA-Z0-9]
@param data the data passed to action
lookup and execute event, if the event cannot be found (as a class or instance) nothing will be executed
@param data the data passed to event
Dispatch request.
@param request the request we process
@param response the response we process
@param dispatch the dispatch target
@throws IOException passed through
@throws ServletException passed through
Dispatch request. If the dispatch element specifies an action, dispatch to that action. Otherwise, the dispatch element must specify a path. If that path starts with a "/", treat it as a context-relative path and dispatch accordingly. If the path doesn't start with a "/" leave it unchanged. If the redirection flag is set, dispatch by redirection. Otherwise, dispatch by forward or include, depending on if the response has already been committed.
@param request the request we process
@param response the response we process
@param dispatch the dispatch target
@throws IOException passed through
@throws ServletException passed through
Calls a method to notify the listener of this event.
type events this method calls the corresponding method in the NamespaceChangedListener
interface. For OBJECT_CHANGED
type events this method calls objectChanged()
in the ObjectChangeListener
@param naminglistener the listener of this event
Calls a method to notify the listener that a naming exception has been thrown.
@param naminglistener the listener to be notified
Uses this event to trigger a notification received on the supplied listener.
@param unl the listener to dispatch this event to. It cannot be null.
EST dispatch to /url/A AsyncContext ac = request.startAsync(); ... ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/A // FORWARD dispatch to /url/B getRequestDispatcher("/url/B").forward(request,response); // Start async operation from within the target of the FORWARD // dispatch ac = request.startAsync(); ... ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/A // FORWARD dispatch to /url/B getRequestDispatcher("/url/B").forward(request,response); // Start async operation from within the target of the FORWARD // dispatch ac = request.startAsync(request,response); ... ac.dispatch(); // ASYNC dispatch to /url/B
This method returns immediately after passing the request and response objects to a container managed thread, on which the dispatch operation will be performed.
The dispatcher type of the request is set to DispatcherType.ASYNC. Unlike {@link RequestDispatcher#forward(ServletRequest,ServletResponse) forward dispatches}, the response buffer and headers will not be reset, and it is legal to dispatch even if the response has already been committed.
Control over the request and response is delegated to the dispatch target, and the response will be closed when the dispatch target has completed execution, unless {@link ServletRequest#startAsync()} or{@link ServletRequest#startAsync(ServletRequest,ServletResponse)}are called.
Any errors or exceptions that may occur during the execution of this method must be caught and handled by the container, as follows:
- Invoke, at their {@link AsyncListener#onError onError} method, all{@link AsyncListener} instances registered with the ServletRequestfor which this AsyncContext was created, and make the caught Throwable available via {@link AsyncEvent#getThrowable}.
- If none of the listeners called {@link #complete} or any of the{@link #dispatch} methods, perform an error dispatch with a status codeequal to HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, and make the above Throwable available as the value of the RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION request attribute.
- If no matching error page was found, or the error page did not call {@link #complete} or any of the {@link #dispatch} methods, call{@link #complete}.
There can be at most one asynchronous dispatch operation per asynchronous cycle, which is started by a call to one of the {@link ServletRequest#startAsync} methods. Any attempt to perform anadditional asynchronous dispatch operation within the same asynchronous cycle will result in an IllegalStateException. If startAsync is subsequently called on the dispatched request, then any of the dispatch or {@link #complete} methods may be called.
@throws IllegalStateException if one of the dispatch methodshas been called and the startAsync method has not been called during the resulting dispatch, or if {@link #complete}was called
@see ServletRequest#getDispatcherType
@param servletPath String
@return String
Dispatches this view.
@param request the HttpServletRequest instance
@param response the HttpServletResponse instance
@param context the ServletContext instance
Called from producers when sending a message
@param message message to dispatch
@throws JMSException
Dispatch an ActiveMQMessage to the end client
@param message
Perform an asynchronous dispatch. The method does not check if the request is in an appropriate state for this; it is the caller's responsibility to check this.
Instruct GroomServer performaning tasks.
@param directive instructs a GroomServer performing necessaryexecution.
@throws IOException
Instruct GroomServer performaning tasks.
@param directive instructs a GroomServer performing necessaryexecution.
@throws IOException
Dispatch the message to the stage with this stage name.
@param stageName the name of the stage you want to dispatch this message to
@param msg the message to be dispatched
@return true if dispatch success, false if stage not found
@throws ClassCastException if this message can not be processed by the corresponding stage
Dispatches request to precompiled jsp
@param relPath
@param request
@param response
Analyzes the incoming request and performs an appropriate operation for each.
@return true if a response was delivered, false if the servlet container should be allowed tohandle the request
Analyzes the incoming request and performs an appropriate operation for each.
@return true if a response was delivered, false if the dispatcher did not handle the request (and a search for ahandler should continue)
Dispatches the request to a specified path.
@param path The path to dispatch to.
@throws IOException If something goes wrong during dispatching.
Dispatches the request to a specified path.
@param path The path to dispatch to.
@throws IOException If something goes wrong during dispatching.
Dispatch the given command
to the CommandHandler subscribed to that type of command
. No feedback is given about the status of the dispatching process. Implementations may return immediately after asserting a valid handler is registered for the given command.
@param command The Command to dispatch
@throws NoHandlerForCommandException when no command handler is registered for the given command
@see GenericCommandMessage#asCommandMessage(Object)
Dispatch a ChibaEvent to trigger some XForms processing such as updating of values or execution of triggers.
@param event an application specific event
@throws org.chiba.xml.xforms.exception.XFormsException
@see org.chiba.adapter.DefaultChibaEventImpl
Dispatch an ActiveMQMessage to the end client
@param message
Dispatch all events added to this Context according to configured consumers.
@param ctx the execution context object
Dispatches each notification to the appropriate notifier via {@link org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier#eNotify Notifier.eNotify}.
Delegate to the request context the dispatching to the target servlet context using the specified spi elements.
@param servletContainer the servlet container spi
@param targetServletContext the target servlet context
@param callback the call back to be done after dispatch
@param handback the hand back object to provide after dispatch to the call back
@return the call back returned object
@throws Exception any exception
Dispatches a message to a single receiver on the bus
@param message - a message to dispatch
@throws Exception throws an InterruptedException specifically, if the thread is interrupted while tryingto offer a message to the worker queue. This isn't specifically exposed here due to the fact that InterruptedException is not exposed to the GWT client library.
Dispatches a message to a single receiver on the bus
@param message - a message to dispatch
@throws Exception throws an InterruptedException specifically, if the thread is interrupted while tryingto offer a message to the worker queue. This isn't specifically exposed here due to the fact that InterruptedException is not exposed to the GWT client library.
Delegate to the request context the dispatching to the target servlet context using the specified spi elements.
@param servletContainer the servlet container spi
@param targetServletContext the target servlet context
@param callback the call back to be done after dispatch
@param handback the hand back object to provide after dispatch to the call back
@return the call back returned object
@throws Exception any exception
Dispatches action through the system UI queue to get the result.
@param env Environment to{@linkplain Environment#getExecutor() get} executor and to pass to{@linkplain ActionExecutor#execute(org.jemmy.env.Environment,boolean,org.jemmy.action.Action,java.lang.Object[]) execute()} method.
@param parameters Parameters to pass to {@linkplain #run(java.lang.Object[]) run()} method.
@return value returned by {@linkplain #getResult() getResult()} method.
Collect a group of packets. pcap_dispatch() is used to collect and process packets. cnt specifies the maximum number of packets to process before returning. This is not a minimum number; when reading a live capture, only one bufferful of packets is read at a time, so fewer than cnt packets may be processed. A cnt of -1 processes all the packets received in one buffer when reading a live capture, or all the packets in the file when reading a ``savefile''. callback specifies a routine to be called with three arguments: a u_char pointer which is passed in from pcap_dispatch(), a const struct pcap_pkthdr pointer, and a const u_char pointer to the first caplen (as given in the struct pcap_pkthdr a pointer to which is passed to the callback routine) bytes of data from the packet (which won't necessarily be the entire packet; to capture the entire packet, you will have to provide a value for snaplen in your call to pcap_open_live() that is sufficiently large to get all of the packet's data - a value of 65535 should be sufficient on most if not all networks).
The number of packets read is returned. 0 is returned if no packets were read from a live capture (if, for example, they were discarded because they didn't pass the packet filter, or if, on platforms that support a read timeout that starts before any packets arrive, the timeout expires before any packets arrive, or if the file descriptor for the capture device is in non-blocking mode and no packets were available to be read) or if no more packets are available in a ``savefile.'' A return of -1 indicates an error in which case pcap_perror() or pcap_geterr() may be used to display the error text. A return of -2 indicates that the loop terminated due to a call to pcap_breakloop() before any packets were processed. If your application uses pcap_breakloop(), make sure that you explicitly check for -1 and -2, rather than just checking for a return value < 0.
Note: when reading a live capture, pcap_dispatch() will not necessarily return when the read times out; on some platforms, the read timeout isn't supported, and, on other platforms, the timer doesn't start until at least one packet arrives. This means that the read timeout should NOT be used in, for example, an interactive application, to allow the packet capture loop to ``poll'' for user input periodically, as there's no guarantee that pcap_dispatch() will return after the timeout expires.
@param < T> handler's user object type
@param cnt number of packets to read
@param handler called when packet arrives for each packet
@param user opaque user object
@return 0 on success, -1 on error and -2 if breakloop was used interruptthe captue
@since 1.2
Dispatches an event asynchronously to a endpointUri via a Mule server. The URL determines where to dispatch the event to.
@param url the Mule URL used to determine the destination and transport of themessage
@param payload the object that is the payload of the event
@param messageProperties any properties to be associated with the payload. Inthe case of JMS you could set the JMSReplyTo property in these properties.
@throws org.mule.api.MuleException
Dispatches an event asynchronously to a endpointUri via a Mule server. The URL determines where to dispatch the event to.
@param url the Mule URL used to determine the destination and transport of themessage
@param payload the object that is the payload of the event
@param messageProperties any properties to be associated with the payload. Inthe case of JMS you could set the JMSReplyTo property in these properties.
@throws org.mule.api.MuleException
Dispatch test suites
@param suites
@param outputDir
@param javadocAnnotationFinder
@param jdkAnnotationFinder
@param testListeners
@return suites result
Dispatches the current request. This method does common dispatching logic and call the request type specific {@link DataServiceRequest}{@link #processRequest()} method.
@return The result of the request invocation
@throws DataServiceFault
Call to dispatch to the remote object (on the server side). The up-call to the server and the marshaling of return result (or exception) should be handled before returning from this method.
@param obj the target remote object for the call
@param call the "remote call" from which operation andmethod arguments can be obtained.
@exception RemoteException unable to marshalreturn result
Meetod, mis väljastab laost kaupa. Sisendparameetriks on tellimus. Kui laos on kaupa vähem, kui tellimuses soovitud või kaupa üldse laos pole, siis kogu väljastamine jääb ära — laost ei väljastata ühtegi kaupa, mis tellimuses on märgitud. See aitab tagada meetodi väljakutsujale tagasiside andmise ilma konsoolile printimist kasutamata. Kui tellimus aga peaks õnnestuma, siis vähendab meetod laos kauba hulka või kustutab selle ära, kui hulk on 0.
@param order – tellimus
@return true/false — kauba väljastamine õnnestus/ebaõnnestus