// new openjpa-2.0.0 behavior, where detachAll() updates entities in-place
// ArrayList<Entity20> e20ListCopy = new ArrayList<Entity20>(em.detachAll(e20List));
// em.detachAll(e20List); // for some reason calling with Collection causes a NPE, so use Object[] instead
em.detachAll(e20List.get(0), e20List.get(1), e20List.get(2));
for (int i=0; i<numEntities; i++) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("** testDetachAll20() - after EM.detachAll() verify e20List(" + i + ")");
Entity20 e20 = e20List.get(i);
// entity should not have any proxy classes (in-place updated) and is detached