Examples of cut_paste()

Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

          menuFlag = false;
          ArrayList arrayList = managingBean.getListPhysDoc();
          for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) {
            try {
              int physDocToCut = Integer.parseInt((String) arrayList.get(i));
              xwconn.cut_paste(physDocToCut, Integer.parseInt(physDoc), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_FIGLIOPADRE);
              managingBean.setDocSuccessi(managingBean.getDocSuccessi() + 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              managingBean.addErrorMsg("Errore in Sposta per il documento  " + arrayList.get(i) + " " + e.getMessage());
              managingBean.setDocErrori(managingBean.getDocErrori() + 1);
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

          menuFlag = false;
          ArrayList arrayList = managingBean.getListPhysDoc();
          for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) {
            try {
              int physDocToCut = Integer.parseInt((String) arrayList.get(i));
              xwconn.cut_paste(physDocToCut, Integer.parseInt(physDoc), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_MINOREMAGGIORE);
              managingBean.setDocSuccessi(managingBean.getDocSuccessi() + 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              managingBean.addErrorMsg("Errore in Sposta per il documento  " + arrayList.get(i) + " " + e.getMessage());
              managingBean.setDocErrori(managingBean.getDocErrori() + 1);
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

          ArrayList arrayList = managingBean.getListPhysDoc();
          for (int i = arrayList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            // for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.size(); i++) {
            try {
              int physDocToCut = Integer.parseInt((String) arrayList.get(i));
              xwconn.cut_paste(physDocToCut, Integer.parseInt(physDoc), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_MAGGIOREMINORE);
              managingBean.setDocSuccessi(managingBean.getDocSuccessi() + 1);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              managingBean.addErrorMsg("Errore in Sposta per il documento  " + arrayList.get(i) + " " + e.getMessage());
              managingBean.setDocErrori(managingBean.getDocErrori() + 1);
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

          for (int i = 0; i < qr.elements; i++) {
            int physDocToCut = -1;
            try {
              physDocToCut = xwconn.getNumDocFromQRElement(qr, i);// Integer.parseInt((String) arrayList.get(i));
              if (physDocToCut != Integer.parseInt(physDoc)) {
                xwconn.cut_paste(physDocToCut, Integer.parseInt(physDoc), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_FIGLIOPADRE);
                managingBean.setDocSuccessi(managingBean.getDocSuccessi() + 1);

            } catch (Exception e) {
              managingBean.addErrorMsg("Errore in Sposta per il documento  " + physDocToCut + " " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()


      if (actionType.equals("cut_as_son")) {
        // elemento da tagliare physDoc
        if (cutTest) {
          xwconn.cut_paste(Integer.parseInt(physDoc), Integer.parseInt(physDocToPaste), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_FIGLIOPADRE);
          ajaxBean.setStrXmlOutput("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n<succes>reloadLocation()</succes>");
        // elemento in cui spostare il documento tagliato physDocToPaste
      } else if (actionType.equals("cut_as_before")) {
        // elemento da tagliare physDoc
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

        // elemento in cui spostare il documento tagliato physDocToPaste
      } else if (actionType.equals("cut_as_before")) {
        // elemento da tagliare physDoc
        if (cutTest) {
          xwconn.cut_paste(Integer.parseInt(physDoc), Integer.parseInt(physDocToPaste), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_MINOREMAGGIORE);
          ajaxBean.setStrXmlOutput("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n<succes>reloadLocation()</succes>");
        // elemento in cui spostare il documento tagliato physDocToPaste
      } else if (actionType.equals("cut_as_after")) {
        // elemento da tagliare physDoc
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Examples of org.xdams.xw.XWConnection.cut_paste()

        // elemento in cui spostare il documento tagliato physDocToPaste
      } else if (actionType.equals("cut_as_after")) {
        // elemento da tagliare physDoc
        if (cutTest) {
          xwconn.cut_paste(Integer.parseInt(physDoc), Integer.parseInt(physDocToPaste), it.highwaytech.broker.ServerCommand.navigarel_MAGGIOREMINORE);
          ajaxBean.setStrXmlOutput("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n<succes>reloadLocation()</succes>");
        // elemento in cui spostare il documento tagliato physDocToPaste
      } else if (actionType.equals("cut_delete")) {
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