Creates a new socket.
@param proxy The proxy to use
@return The newly created socket
Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number at the specified IP address. Try to establish the connection to the server with a specified timeout value. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. The connection will then block until established or an error occurs.
@param addr the IP address.
@param port the port number.
@param timeout the timeout value to be used in milliseconds.
Create a client socket connected to the specified host and port.
@param host the host name
@param port the port number
@return a socket connected to the specified host and port.
@exception IOException if an I/O error occurs during socket creation
@since 1.2
Creates a client socket connected to the specified host and port.
@param host the host name
@param port the port number
@return a socket connected to the specified host and port.
@exception IOException if an I/O error occurs during socket creation
@since JDK1.1
Creates an SSL socket.
If the system property javax.rmi.ssl.client.enabledCipherSuites
is specified, this method will call {@link SSLSocket#setEnabledCipherSuites(String[])} before returningthe socket. The value of this system property is a string that is a comma-separated list of SSL/TLS cipher suites to enable.
If the system property javax.rmi.ssl.client.enabledProtocols
is specified, this method will call {@link SSLSocket#setEnabledProtocols(String[])} before returning thesocket. The value of this system property is a string that is a comma-separated list of SSL/TLS protocol versions to enable.
Returns a server socket which uses all network interfaces on the host, and is bound to a the specified port. The socket is configured with the socket options (such as accept timeout) given to this factory.
@param port the port to listen to
@exception IOException input/output or network error
@exception KeyStoreException error instantiating theKeyStore from file (SSL only)
@exception NoSuchAlgorithmException KeyStore algorithm unsupportedby current provider (SSL only)
@exception CertificateException general certificate error (SSL only)
@exception UnrecoverableKeyException internal KeyStore problem withthe certificate (SSL only)
@exception KeyManagementException problem in the key managementlayer (SSL only)
@see SecureProtocolSocketFactory#createSocket(java.lang.String,int,java.net.InetAddress,int)
Gets a new socket connection to the given host.
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param localAddress the local host name/IP to bind the socket to
@param localPort the port on the local machine
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
Returns a socket connected to the given host that is layered over an existing socket. Used primarily for creating secure sockets through proxies.
@param socket the existing socket
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param autoClose a flag for closing the underling socket when the createdsocket is closed
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
Returns a socket connected to the given host that is layered over an existing socket. Used primarily for creating secure sockets through proxies.
@param socket the existing socket
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param autoClose a flag for closing the underling socket when the createdsocket is closed
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
Returns a socket connected to the given host that is layered over an existing socket. Used primarily for creating secure sockets through proxies.
@param socket the existing socket
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param autoClose a flag for closing the underling socket when the createdsocket is closed
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
Creates a new, unconnected socket. The socket should subsequently be passed to {@link #connectSocket connectSocket}.
@return a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
Returns a socket connected to the given host that is layered over an existing socket. Used primarily for creating secure sockets through proxies.
@param socket the existing socket
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param autoClose a flag for closing the underling socket when the createdsocket is closed
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
Creates a new, unconnected socket. The socket should subsequently be passed to {@link #connectSocket(Socket,InetSocketAddress,InetSocketAddress,HttpParams)}.
@param params Optional {@link HttpParams parameters}. In most cases these parameters will not be required and will have no effect, as usually socket initialization should take place in the {@link #connectSocket(Socket,InetSocketAddress,InetSocketAddress,HttpParams)}method. However, in rare cases one may want to pass additional parameters to this method in order to create a customized {@link Socket} instance,for instance bound to a SOCKS proxy server.
@return a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
Creates a new, unconnected socket. The socket should subsequently be passed to {@link #connectSocket connectSocket}.
@return a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
Creates new, unconnected socket. The socket should subsequently be passed to {@link #connectSocket(int,Socket,HttpHost,InetSocketAddress,InetSocketAddress,HttpContext)}.
@return a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@param params Optional parameters. Parameters passed to this method will have no effect.This method will create a unconnected instance of {@link Socket} class.
@since 4.1
Gets a new socket connection to the given host.
@param host the host name/IP
@param port the port on the host
@param localAddress the local host name/IP to bind the socket to
@param localPort the port on the local machine
@param params {@link HttpParams Http parameters}
@return Socket a new socket
@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
@throws UnknownHostException if the IP address of the host cannot bedetermined
@throws ConnectTimeoutException if socket cannot be connected within thegiven time limit
@since 3.0
create a connected stream Socket.
@param host the host name
@param port the port number
@return a connected stream Socket
@throws IOException
Create a client socket connected to the specified overrideHost and port.
@param host the host name IGNORED if an override configured
@param port the port number
@return a socket connected to the specified overrideHost and port.
@throws java.io.IOException if an I/O error occurs during socket creation
Creates a new socket and assigns a new name to it.
@param name Name of the new parameter or null for the default ("Param")
@return The new socket
Creates a new managed socket within this ZContext instance. Use this to get automatic management of the socket at shutdown
@param type socket type (see ZMQ static class members)
@return Newly created Socket object