Create a new anonymous resource whose model is this model. This bnode will have a new AnonId distinct from any allocated by any other call of this method.
Subsequent operations on the returned resource may modify this model.
@return a new anonymous resource linked to this model.
Creates a resource with the given URL. The protocol field must match the resource-provider name. If the resource could not be created null
is returned.
@param resource requested resource
@param write resource should be writeable
@param agentInfo AgentInfo for the agent which wants to open the resource
@return refrence to resource object
Creates a new auxiliary resource file for writing and returns a file object for it. The file may be located along with the newly created source files, newly created binary files, or other supported location. The locations {@link StandardLocation#CLASS_OUTPUT CLASS_OUTPUT} and {@link StandardLocation#SOURCE_OUTPUT SOURCE_OUTPUT} must besupported. The resource may be named relative to some package (as are source and class files), and from there by a relative pathname. In a loose sense, the full pathname of the new file will be the concatenation of {@code location}, {@code pkg}, and {@code relativeName}.
Files created via this method are not registered for annotation processing, even if the full pathname of the file would correspond to the full pathname of a new source file or new class file.
@param location location of the new file
@param pkg package relative to which the file should be named,or the empty string if none
@param relativeName final pathname components of the file
@param originatingElements type or package elements causallyassociated with the creation of this file, may be elided or {@code null}
@return a {@code FileObject} to write the new resource
@throws IOException if the file cannot be created
@throws FilerException if the same pathname has already beencreated
@throws IllegalArgumentException for an unsupported location
@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code relativeName} is not relative
@param base
@param path
@throws FacesException
Create a resource instance.
@param type the type of resource to create
@param mapIds the resource id's which identify the resource
@return a new resource instance of the specified type
Create a resource corresponding to the given bundle.
@param bundle the bundle
@return the corresponding resource
Finds the resource type definition associated with the given context path (defined in muse.xml), instantiates an instance of the resource class, and sets the basic values (EPR, initialization parameters, etc.) and Muse components (Environment, log file, etc.) that it needs to operate.
The Resource object returned by this method has not been initialized yet. Once the Resource.initialize() method has been called, the resource should be added to the ResourceManager with the addResource() method.
@param contextPath The context path for the resource type that is to be instantiated. This value is specified with the context-path element in muse.xml.
@return An instance of the resource class. It will have a proper EPR, all of its capabilities, and references to all of the basic Muse components (Environment, log file, etc.). Calling code may further modify the resource before calling initialize() and making it available to clients.
@throws SoapFault
Create the designated resource.
@param resourceName Designates the resource; typically structured by slashes ("/") like"com/foo/pkg/Bar.class
@return Bytes written to this {@link OutputStream} are stored in the resource
@throws IOException Problems creating the resource
Create simple resource (bookmark)
@param res
@param name
@param description
@param person
@see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceFactoryImpl#createResource(URI)
Creates an instance of the resource.
@generated NOT
Creates a new resource, of the appropriate type, and returns it.
It delegates to the resource factory {@link #getResourceFactoryRegistry registry} to determine the {@link Resource.Factory.Registry#getFactory(URI) correct} factory,and then it uses that factory to {@link Resource.Factory#createResource create} the resourceand adds it to the {@link #getResources contents}. If there is no registered factory, null
will be returned; when running within Eclipse, a default XMI factory will be registered, and this will never return null
@param uri the URI of the resource to create.
@return a new resource, or
if no factory is registered.
Creates an instance of the resource.
@param uri
@return the Resource
Creates an instance of the resource.
@param uri
@return the Resource
Same as createResource(resource, is, true)
Create a new resource, relative to the executed operation address. Since only one operation may write at a time, this operation may block until other writing operations have completed.
@param address the (possibly empty) address where the resource should be created. Address is relative to theaddress of the operation being executed
@return the created resource
@throws IllegalStateException if a resource already exists at the given address
@throws UnsupportedOperationException if the calling operation is not a model operation
Creates and returns a {@link ResourceDescriptor} which is extracted fromthe given class annotated by @RDFResource and may some other required or optional annotations.
@param cls resource class.
@return the resource descriptor.
@throws NullPointerException if the parameter is null
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the given class is not annotated by @RDFResource.
Create a resource, wrapping a blank node that is associated with a specific graph.
@return the newly created resource wrapping a blank node value.
@throws GraphElementFactoryException if adding a blank node fails.
The path to the resource is absolute. Whether it starts with / or not it will be made absolute. Note that it follows the same convention as {@link java.io.File} class in the sensethat a resource simply represent a handle and does not imply that the resource exists.
@param path the path to the resource
@return the resource given the path
Based on the URI returns the right resource
@param uri
@return the resource
Creates an IGeoResource that the implements the {@link ITransientResolve} interface or resolve to that interface.
@param param A object of the type that is defined in the temporaryResource extension point.
@return Creates an IGeoResource that the implements the {@link ITransientResolve} interface.
Requests that a resource be created. The result of this creation will asynchronously be sent to a registered instance of ResourceFactoryServerService
. The parameter requestId
will be used to correlate the response call with this request.
@param request contains all of the information necessary to create the resource; cannot be null
@throws PluginContainerException if the plugin container cannot be reached or fails before forwarding thecreation request to the appropriate plugin
Creates a new physical resource. The resource will be created as a child of the specified parent. In other words, the resource component of the indicated parent will be used to create the new resource. This call should only be made for resource types that are defined with a create/delete policy of {@link CreateDeletePolicy#BOTH} or{@link CreateDeletePolicy#CREATE_ONLY}. If this call is made for a resource type that cannot be created based on this policy, the plugin container will throw an exception. This call should only be made for resource types that are defined with a creation data type of {@link ResourceCreationDataType#CONTENT}. If this call is made for a resource type that cannot be created via an package, the plugin container will throw an exception.
@param user user requesting the creation
@param parentResourceId parent resource under which the new resource should be created
@param newResourceTypeId identifies the type of resource being created
@param newResourceName name of the resource being created
@param pluginConfiguration optional plugin configuration that may be needed in order to create the newresource
@param packageName name of the package that will be created as a result of this resource create
@param packageVersion machine formatted identifier of the specific version of the package
@param architectureId ID of the architecture of the package, null indicates NoArch (any)
@param deploymentTimeConfiguration dictates how the package will be deployed
@param packageBitStream content of the package to create
Try to create a resource for the given file. This method makes its best efforts to try to build a default resource out of a file.
@param container The container making the call.
@param request The HTTP request that triggered the call to the indexer(may be null).
@param directory The directory the file is in.
@param name The name of the file.
@param defs Any default attribute values that should be providedto the created resource at initialization time.
@return A Resource instance, or null if the givenfile can't be truned into a resource given our configuration database.
Creates an instance of the resource.
Creates a new empty Resource
with the provided id. The type of Resource
returned is determined by the type
parameter. The XML:DB API currently defines "XMLResource" and "BinaryResource" as valid resource types. The id
provided must be unique within the scope of the collection. If id
is null or its value is empty then an id is generated by calling createId()
. The Resource
created is not stored to the database until storeResource()
is called.
@param id the unique id to associate with the created Resource
@param type the Resource
type to create.
@return an empty Resource
@exception XMLDBException with expected error codes.
for any vendor specific errors that occur.
if the type
parameter is not a known Resource
Factory which may be used to attempt to create a resource that will appear onthe public path of a hosted mode session or compilation.
@param filename
@return null if the resource already existed, or stream to write the filecontents.