. The repository returned must be used by Command Handlers subscribed to this Command Bus for loading aggregate instances. Using any other repository instance may result in undefined outcome (a.k.a. concurrency problems).
@param aggregateFactory The factory creating uninitialized instances of the Aggregate
@param < T> The type of aggregate to create the repository for
@return the repository that provides access to stored aggregates
The driver created will be set a default {@link org.tmatesoft.svn.core.auth.ISVNAuthenticationManager} manager.
Used by SVN*Client objects (managed by this SVNClientManager) to access a repository when needed. @param url a repository location to establish a connection with (will be the root directory for the working session) @param mayReuse if true then triesfirst tries to find a reusable driver or creates a new reusable one @return a low-level API driver for direct interactingwith a repository @throws SVNException