Examples of createFrom()

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

                SOAPMessage message = mf.createMessage();
                SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
                SOAPFault soapFault = XMLFaultUtils.createSAAJFault(xmlFault, body);

                MessageFactory msgFactory = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
                Message msg = msgFactory.createFrom(message);

            } else {
                WebServiceException wse = ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("cFaultMsgErr"));
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

                    String content = env.toStringWithConsume();
                    MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
                    StringReader sr = new StringReader(content);
                    XMLStreamReader stream = StAXUtils.createXMLStreamReader(sr);
                    Message msg = mf.createFrom(stream, mepCtx.getMessageObject().getProtocol());
                    // This is required for proper serialization of the OM structure.
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

        OMElement omElement = builder.getSOAPEnvelope();
        // Create a SOAP 1.1 Message from the sample incoming XML
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.createFrom(omElement, null);
        // Check to see if the message is a fault.  The client/server will always call this method.
        // The Message must respond appropriately without doing a conversion.
        boolean isFault = m.isFault();
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

        OMElement omElement = builder.getSOAPEnvelope();
        // Create a SOAP 1.1 Message from the sample incoming XML
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.createFrom(omElement, null);
        // Check to see if the message is a fault.  The client/server will always call this method.
        // The Message must respond appropriately without doing a conversion.
        boolean isFault = m.isFault();
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

        // Create a Block using the sample string as the content.  This simulates
        // what occurs on the outbound JAX-WS dispatch<String> client
        Block block = f.createFrom(sampleSoap12Envelope, null, null);
        // Create a Message with the full XML contents that we have
        Message m = mf.createFrom(block.getXMLStreamReader(true), null);
        // Assuming no handlers are installed, the next thing that will happen
        // is a XMLStreamReader will be requested...to go to OM.   At this point the
        // block should be consumed.
        OMElement om = m.getAsOMElement();
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

        OMElement omElement = builder.getSOAPEnvelope();
        // The JAX-WS layer creates a Message from the OM
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.createFrom(omElement, null);
        // Make sure the right Protocol was set on the Message
        // Check the SOAPEnvelope to make sure we've got the right
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

        OMElement omElement = builder.getSOAPEnvelope();
        // The JAX-WS layer creates a Message from the OM
        MessageFactory mf = (MessageFactory)
        Message m = mf.createFrom(omElement, null);
        // Make sure the right Protocol was set on the Message
        // Check the SOAPEnvelope to make sure we've got the right
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.MessageFactory.createFrom()

                // TODO something is wrong here.  The message should be a response message, not
                // a request message.  I don't see how to change that.  (see the debugger...)
                // TODO probably also need to turn on message.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION
                MessageFactory msgFactory = (MessageFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(MessageFactory.class);
                Message msg = msgFactory.createFrom(message);

            } else {
                throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages.getMessage("cFaultMsgErr"));
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.OMBlockFactory.createFrom()

                        (OMBlockFactory) FactoryRegistry.getFactory(OMBlockFactory.class);
                ArrayList<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
                Iterator it = detail.getChildElements();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    OMElement om = (OMElement) it.next();
                    Block b = bf.createFrom(om, null, om.getQName());
                blocks = new Block[list.size()];
                blocks = list.toArray(blocks);
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Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.OMBlockFactory.createFrom()

                ArrayList<Block> list = new ArrayList<Block>();
                Iterator it = detail.getDetailEntries();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    DetailEntry de = (DetailEntry)it.next();
                    OMElement om = converter.toOM(de);
                    Block b = bf.createFrom(om, null, om.getQName());
                blocks = new Block[list.size()];
                blocks = list.toArray(blocks);
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