Examples of createExchange()

Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

    private void prepareFtpServer() throws Exception {
        // prepares the FTP Server by creating a file on the server that we want to unit
        // test that we can pool and store as a local file
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(ftpUrl);
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setBody("Hello World this file will be deleted");
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "hello.txt");
        Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

    private void prepareFtpServer() throws Exception {
        // prepares the FTP Server by creating a file on the server that we want to unit
        // test that we can pool and store as a local file
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("ftp://admin@localhost:" + port + "/fileonly/?password=admin&binary=false");
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setBody("Hello World from FTPServer");
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "report.txt");
        Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

    public void testJdbcRoutes() throws Exception {
        // START SNIPPET: invoke
        // first we create our exchange using the endpoint
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("direct:hello");
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        // then we set the SQL on the in body
        exchange.getIn().setBody("select * from customer order by ID");

        // now we send the exchange to the endpoint, and receives the response from Camel
        Exchange out = template.send(endpoint, exchange);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

    private void prepareFtpServer() throws Exception {
        // prepares the FTP Server by creating a file on the server that we want to unit
        // test that we can pool once
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(storeUrl);
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setBody("Bye World");
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "hello.txt");
        Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

        // prepares the FTP Server by creating a file on the server that we want to unit
        // test that we can pool and store as a local file
        String ftpUrl = "ftp://admin@localhost:" + port + "/incoming?password=admin&binary=true"
            + "&consumer.delay=2000&consumer.recursive=false&consumer.append=false";
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint(ftpUrl);
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "logo.jpeg");
        Producer producer = endpoint.createProducer();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

        ftpUrl = "ftp://admin@localhost:" + port + "/incoming/a?password=admin&binary=true"
            + "&consumer.delay=2000&consumer.recursive=false&consumer.append=false";
        endpoint = context.getEndpoint(ftpUrl);
        exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, "logo1.jpeg");
        producer = endpoint.createProducer();
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

        // create an exchange with a normal body and attachment to be produced as email
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("smtp://james@mymailserver.com?password=secret&contentType=text/html");

        // create the exchange with the mail message that is multipart with a file and a Hello World text/plain message.
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        Message in = exchange.getIn();
        in.addAttachment("logo.jpeg", new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("src/test/data/logo.jpeg")));

        // create a producer that can produce the exchange (= send the mail)
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

public class JettyContentTypeTest extends ContextTestSupport {

    public void testSameContentType() throws Exception {
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/myapp/myservice");
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setHeader("user", "Claus");
        exchange.getIn().setHeader("content-type", "text/xml");
        template.send(endpoint, exchange);

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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

        assertOutMessageHeader(exchange, "content-type", "text/xml");

    public void testMixedContentType() throws Exception {
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/myapp/myservice");
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        exchange.getIn().setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
        template.send(endpoint, exchange);

        String body = exchange.getOut().getBody(String.class);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.Endpoint.createExchange()

        // create an exchange with a normal body and attachment to be produced as email
        Endpoint endpoint = context.getEndpoint("smtp://james@mymailserver.com?password=secret");

        // create the exchange with the mail message that is multipart with a file and a Hello World text/plain message.
        Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
        Message in = exchange.getIn();
        in.setBody("Hello World");
        in.addAttachment("logo.jpeg", new DataHandler(new FileDataSource("src/test/data/logo.jpeg")));

        // create a producer that can produce the exchange (= send the mail)
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