Construct a live DataAccess using the connection parameters provided.
You can think of this class as setting up a connection to the back end data source. The required parameters are described by the getParameterInfo() method.
Magic Params: the following params are magic and are honoured by convention by the GeoServer and uDig application.
- "user": is taken to be the user name
- "passwd": is taken to be the password
- "namespace": is taken to be the namespace prefix (and will be kept in sync with GeoServer namespace management.
When we eventually move over to the use of OpperationalParam we will have to find someway to codify this convention.
@param params The full set of information needed to construct a livedata store. Typical key values for the map include: url - location of a resource, used by file reading datasources. dbtype - the type of the database to connect to, e.g. postgis, mysql
@return The created DataStore, this may be null if the required resourcewas not found or if insufficent parameters were given. Note that canProcess() should have returned false if the problem is to do with insuficent parameters.
@throws IOException if there were any problems setting up (creating orconnecting) the datasource.