The distinction between creating and adding a column is required because some TableColumn functions are not available or act differently after the column had been added.
In order to the plugin to display correctly the column name, you are required to create a key in your language file consisting of the {@link TableManager} Table ID of the table you are adding the column to,plus ".column." plus the logical name of your column.
For example, if you are creating a column named "quality" in the table TABLE_TORRENT_FILES, youwould have to add the following to your language file:
Files.column.quality=Column Title
and if you wish to have a short description of the column (visible when the user is setting up columns), create another entry with the same key plus ".info". For the example above: line description
@param tableID Which table the column will be visible in. See {@link TableManager}.
@param cellID The logical name of the column.
@return an interface object allowing modification of the table column.
if there is no DEFVAL clause for this column.
@param mutableInService true
if this column may be modified while row is in service.
@return the MOColumn created.