When a JAX-WS client creates a proxy or a {@link javax.xml.ws.Dispatch} froma {@link javax.xml.ws.Service}, JAX-WS runtime internally uses this method to create a new tubeline as a part of the initilization. @param context Object that captures various contextual information that can be used to determine the tubeline to be assembled. @return non-null freshly created tubeline. @throws javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException if there's any configuration error that prevents the tubeline from being constructed. This exception will be propagated into the application, so it must have a descriptive error.
instance using the WSDL to be loaded from the specified URL and using the current classloading context.
@param wsdlURL the URL to load
subclass for details.
@param options options for outbound message
@throws WsConfigurationException on configuration exception, for instance the location is invalid.
@throws WsBindingException if client cannot be created due to an error with the JiBX bindings
@return the client